Madhumangal d (Phoenix(SA), South Afri)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
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Yearly History for Madhumangal d (Phoenix(SA), South Afri)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books
1998( 1) 35.00 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 42 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2001( 1) 295.30 3 72 590 332 0 0 0 997 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2003(11) 966.55 17 67 2222 905 0 0 0 3211 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2004( 9) 620.00 10 73 792 1801 0 0 0 2676 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2005( 5) 138.80 13 31 97 413 0 0 0 554 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2008( 9) 305.60 0 5 117 1416 4 0 0 1542 Durban Madhumangal d
2009( 6) 306.75 21 29 48 847 0 0 0 945 Durban Madhumangal d
2010(11) 252.50 10 3 44 830 0 0 0 887 Cape Town Madhumangal d
2011( 4) 243.75 10 20 157 501 0 0 0 688 Durban Madhumangal d
2012( 5) 74.25 0 0 17 263 0 0 0 280 Durban Madhumangal d
2014( 1) 14.50 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 58 Durban Madhumangal d
2016( 2) 37.00 5 12 1 58 0 0 0 76 Phoenix(SA) Madhumangal d
2018( 1) 94.75 40 1 2 51 0 0 0 94 Phoenix(SA) Madhumangal d
Total 3384.75 129 313 4087 7475 4 7 0 12050
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Yearly History for Madhumangal d (Phoenix(SA), South Afri)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points
1998( 1) 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35.00
2001( 1) 0 0 0 332 0 590 0 72 0 3 0 0 295.30
2003(11) 0 0 0 905 0 2218 4 67 0 16 1 0 966.55
2004( 9) 0 0 0 1788 13 768 24 55 18 7 3 0 620.00
2005( 5) 0 0 0 413 0 91 6 31 0 1 12 0 138.80
2008( 9) 0 0 4 1275 141 117 0 5 0 0 0 0 305.60
2009( 6) 0 0 0 847 0 48 0 29 0 10 11 0 306.75
2010(11) 0 0 0 830 0 43 1 3 0 3 7 0 252.50
2011( 4) 0 0 0 501 0 157 0 20 0 0 10 0 243.75
2012( 5) 0 0 0 263 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 74.25
2014( 1) 0 0 0 58 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14.50
2016( 2) 0 0 0 58 0 1 0 12 0 0 5 0 37.00
2018( 1) 0 0 0 51 0 2 0 1 0 0 40 0 94.75
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