Rupa Raghunatha d (New Govardhana, Austral)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
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Yearly History for Rupa Raghunatha d (New Govardhana, Austral)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books
1990( 6) 2090.75 692 35 0 1790 130 0 0 2647 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1992( 3) 2096.25 0 1721 3142 907 0 0 0 5770 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1993(12) 3400.05 732 2261 1666 888 33 8 0 5628 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1994( 1) 662.50 280 339 198 225 17 0 0 1059 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1995( 9) 4474.75 72 632 11217 56 1 0 0 11978 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1997(12) 6220.40 1001 2816 5163 2187 8750 0 1 19917 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1998( 3) 1461.75 314 942 433 270 2432 0 3 4391 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
1999( 2) 789.35 157 223 849 0 425 0 0 1654 Sydney Rupa Raghunath d
2003( 2) 1347.05 351 480 564 1440 0 0 0 2835 Sydney Rupa Raghunatha d
2004( 7) 7069.15 3346 384 4412 7778 113 0 13 16033 Melbourne Rupa Raghunatha d
2005( 4) 2528.45 629 372 2160 3717 0 0 0 6878 Sydney Rupa Raghunatha d
2006( 9) 6119.75 1313 1733 3452 8614 0 0 1 15112 New Gokula Rupa Raghunatha d
2007( 8) 2482.75 702 233 1312 1850 8 0 6 4105 Melbourne Rupa Raghunatha d
2009( 2) 2610.20 779 413 447 1270 982 0 0 3891 Sydney Rupa Raghunatha d
2011( 2) 1612.75 379 514 286 791 0 0 0 1970 Melbourne Rupa Raghunatha d
2012( 2) 1200.50 197 136 250 2162 50 0 0 2795 Melbourne Rupa Raghunatha d
2013( 3) 2683.50 803 259 942 1390 0 0 0 3394 New Govardhana Rupa Raghunatha d
2014( 2) 1409.75 267 264 803 841 0 0 0 2175 New Govardhana Rupa Raghunatha d
2015( 4) 2370.85 754 9 1094 1221 16 0 0 3094 New Govardhana Rupa Raghunatha d
2016( 2) 679.50 231 25 111 474 185 0 0 1026 Melbourne Rupa Raghunatha d
2017( 1) 663.25 218 56 160 365 0 0 0 799 New Govardhana Rupa Raghunatha d
Total 53973.25 13217 13847 38661 38236 13142 8 24 117151
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Yearly History for Rupa Raghunatha d (New Govardhana, Austral)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points
1990( 6) 0 0 130 675 1115 0 0 0 35 0 692 0 2090.75
1992( 3) 0 0 0 907 0 3142 0 1721 0 0 0 0 2096.25
1993(12) 8 0 33 881 7 1636 30 1192 1069 503 229 0 3400.05
1994( 1) 0 0 17 224 1 197 1 248 91 218 62 0 662.50
1995( 9) 0 0 1 56 0 11180 37 479 153 11 61 0 4474.75
1997(12) 0 0 8750 1979 208 4863 300 2495 321 553 448 1 6220.40
1998( 3) 0 0 2432 270 0 393 40 531 411 294 20 3 1461.75
1999( 2) 0 0 425 0 0 821 28 125 98 36 121 0 789.35
2003( 2) 0 0 0 1425 15 508 56 62 418 245 106 0 1347.05
2004( 7) 0 0 113 7761 17 4307 105 216 168 2669 677 13 7069.15
2005( 4) 0 0 0 3603 114 2120 40 92 280 425 204 0 2528.45
2006( 9) 0 0 0 8435 179 3155 297 320 1413 761 552 1 6119.75
2007( 8) 0 0 8 1637 213 1074 238 57 176 33 669 6 2482.75
2009( 2) 0 0 982 1270 0 447 0 3 410 13 766 0 2610.20
2011( 2) 0 0 0 776 15 286 0 513 1 75 304 0 1612.75
2012( 2) 0 0 50 2162 0 250 0 136 0 10 187 0 1200.50
2013( 3) 0 0 0 1390 0 942 0 255 4 0 803 0 2683.50
2014( 2) 0 0 0 841 0 803 0 0 264 0 267 0 1409.75
2015( 4) 0 0 16 1221 0 1094 0 0 9 63 691 0 2370.85
2016( 2) 0 0 185 474 0 111 0 0 25 15 216 0 679.50
2017( 1) 0 0 0 365 0 160 0 0 56 0 218 0 663.25
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