World Sankirtan Newsletter

Monthly Graph
Amogha-Lila d (Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags
Yearly Totals
  • 1974

  • 1976

  • 1978

  • 1980

  • 1982

  • 1984

  • 1986

  • 1988

  • 1990

  • 1992

  • 1994

  • 1996

  • 1998

  • 2000

  • 2002

  • 2004

  • 2006

  • 2008

  • 2010

  • 2012

  • 2014

  • 2016

  • 2018

  •   1,600








Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                           World Sankirtan Newsletter
           Yearly History for Amogha-Lila d (Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK)
                          (Last updated on 11/30/2018)

Year         Book     M-Big    Big   Medium   Small            BTG   Full   Total
(Months)    Points    Books   Books   Books   Books    Mags   Subs   Sets   Books

2014( 1)     631.00     300       0      62       0       0      0      0     362        Bhaktivedanta Manor   Amogha Lila d       
2016( 3)     800.00     186       0     796     120       0      0      2    1102        Bhaktivedanta Manor   Amogha-Lila d       
2017( 2)     360.00     125       0     220       0       0      0      0     345        Bhaktivedanta Manor   Amogha-Lila d       
2018( 2)     220.00      30       0     300      40       0      0      0     370        Bhaktivedanta Manor   Amogha-Lila d       
Total       2011.00     641       0    1378     160       0      0      2    2179

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                                   World Sankirtan Newsletter
                   Yearly History for Amogha-Lila d (Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK)
                                        By Book Category
                                  (Last updated on 11/30/2018)

        1-yr BTG Subs
Year    English Other  Mags   ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--  Full    Book 
(Months) Sub-E  Sub-O   M1     S1----H1     S2----H2     S3-----H3     S4-----H4   Sets   Points

2014( 1)     0     0      0      0     0     62     0      0      0      0    300     0     631.00
2016( 3)     0     0      0    120     0    796     0      0      0      0    186     2     800.00
2017( 2)     0     0      0      0     0    220     0      0      0      0    125     0     360.00
2018( 2)     0     0      0     40     0    300     0      0      0      0     30     0     220.00

Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

Yearly Graph
Amogha-Lila d (Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK)
Monthly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags
Monthly Totals
  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2017

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  • 2018

  •   1,600








Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results

                                   World Sankirtan Newsletter
                  Monthly History for Amogha-Lila d (Bhaktivedanta Manor, UK)
                                        By Book Category
                                  (Last updated on 11/30/2018)

          1-yr BTG Subs
Year      English Other  Mags   ---Small--   --Medium--   -Big Books-   -Maha-big--  Full    Total    Book 
  Month(s) Sub-E  Sub-O   M1     S1----H1     S2----H2     S3-----H3     S4-----H4   Sets    Books   Points

2017 Mar       0     0      0      0     0     60     0      0      0      0      0     0       60      30.00
2017 Oct       0     0      0      0     0    160     0      0      0      0    125     0      285     330.00
2018 Aug       0     0      0      0     0     60     0      0      0      0      5     0       65      40.00
2018 Oct       0     0      0     40     0    240     0      0      0      0     25     0      305     180.00

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                               Comments? Corrections? Contact us          
                                   Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
              Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare