World Sankirtan Newsletter
September 2012
Book Distribution Results
(Last updated on 10/30/12)
              For the pleasure of Srila Prabhupada this page 
      contains the following results for the month of September 2012.

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     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
     *              -- OFFERING TO SRILA PRABHUPADA --               *
     *                                                               *
     *    During the month of September 2012, 97 temples reported    *
     *    distributing the following number of books:                *
     *                                                               *
     *                    78,290 Maha-big books                      *
     *                    29,711 Big books                           *
     *                    49,691 Medium books                        *
     *                   135,462 Small books                         *
     *                    64,862 Magazines                           *
     *                     3,291 BTG subscriptions                   *
     *                       349 Full sets                           *
     *                                                               *
     *                   377,762 literatures for the month           *
     *                 3,650,923 literatures year-to-date            *
     *               491,037,205 literatures worldwide since 1965    *
     *                                                               *
     *                All glories to Srila Prabhupada!               *
     * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Worldwide Book Distribution
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags, Missing scores
  • 1974

  • 1976

  • 1978

  • 1980

  • 1982

  • 1984

  • 1986

  • 1988

  • 1990

  • 1992

  • 1994

  • 1996

  • 1998

  • 2000

  • 2002

  • 2004

  • 2006

  • 2008

  • 2010

  • 2012

  • 16,000,000








      Missing scores from 1973 to 1988 are estimated. Please help us locate copies of missing Sankirtan Newsletters.)
      (One book point = one big hardcover book)
      The current database goes back to 1982. We will add earlier years as we get them.

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                              World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                  MONTHLY CONTINENTS
                                    September 2012

                                % of  M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full  Total
  Continent (temples)   Points  World Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets  Books

1 Asia (17)          127345.90  49%  43046   8131  10950  59596  67088 3179  304  188811
2 CIS (12)            55835.20  21%  13348  11776  16998  34192   3162    0    0   79476
3 North America (27)  40239.85  15%  11341   4918   7171  28659  13968  112   40   66057
4 Europe (24)         30470.80  12%   9511   3851  13380   3586    113    0    0   30441
5 Africa (6)           2964.95   1%    388    289    514   6569      7    0    2    7767
6 Australasia (4)      2436.50   1%    583    642    650   1116    245    0    3    3236
7 South America (7)     702.50   0%     73    104     28   1744     25    0    0    1974
  World totals (97)   259995.70 100%  78290  29711  49691 135462  84608 3291  349  377762

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                                 World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                       ALL COUNTRIES
                                       September 2012

                                     %   M-Big    Big   Medium   Small          BTG  Full 
   Country (Temples)       Points Change Books   Books   Books   Books   Mags  Subs  Sets 

 1 India (14)            121424.70 -21%  40978    7593   10440   56048  66036  3179   297
 2 Russia, CIS (12)       55835.20+814%  13348   11776   16998   34192   3162     0     0
 3 United States (24)Web  39008.35 +39%  11060    4836    6689   27357  13934   108    31
 4 Italy (5)         Web  16051.80+172%   6241       0    7119       0    103     0     0
 5 United Kingdom (2)Web   5490.00   0%   1807     141    2994     952      0     0     0
 6 GermanyAustria (7)      4764.50+141%    698    1766    3203       0     10     0     0
 7 Bangladesh              2569.75  na     826     359      96    2043      0     0     6
 8 Indonesia               2524.95  na     924      58     390    1355    852     0     0
 9 Mauritius (2)           1922.75+128%    207     132     314    4879      0     0     0
10 New Zealand (2)         1703.50 +38%    437     545     153     832      0     0     2
11 Bulgaria                1376.00 -25%    364     648       0       0      0     0     0
12 Czech Republic (2)      1235.00 -34%     35     915       4     992      0     0     0
13 Canada (3)        Web   1231.50 -53%    281      82     482    1302     34     4     9
14 Sri Lanka                826.50  na     318     121      24     150    200     0     1
15 Australia (2)     Web    733.00 -44%    146      97     497     284    245     0     1
16 South Africa (2)         703.70 -42%     97      22     163    1622      7     0     2
17 Brazil (7)        Web    702.50 -64%     73     104      28    1744     25     0     0
18 Lithuania (2)            626.25 -43%     71     134      15    1371      0     0     0
19 Bosnia                   447.00  na     199      49       0       0      0     0     0
20 Spain             Web    248.00 +38%     63     117       1      18      0     0     0
21 Congo(D.R.)              232.50 -47%     45     121      27      32      0     0     0
22 Slovenia                 115.00  na      27      24      40      68      0     0     0
23 Malawi                   106.00+162%     39      14      10      36      0     0     0
24 Croatia                  101.25  na       4      47       0     185      0     0     0
25 Switzerland       Web     16.00 -78%      2      10       4       0      0     0     0
                                   (%)Change compared
                                     to Sep last year

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                      ALL TEMPLES
                                     September 2012

                                       %    M-Big   Big  Medium  Small          BTG  Full 
    Temples (size)           Points Change  Books  Books  Books  Books   Mags  Subs  Sets 

  1 Mumbai-ChowpattWeb Ind  27312.30*+238%   8837*  1218    586  30284*  4252    69     9 
  2 Mayapur (L)    Web Ind  26064.00  -35%   9467   1421   4767   3302  25000     0    97 
  3 New Delhi (L)      Ind  23294.90   +5%   8713   2250   2801*  3582  13229*    0    27 
  4 Moscow (L)     Web Rus   9978.30  -28%   2918   1134   2753   6180*   868     0     0 
  5 Krasnodar (S)      Rus   9791.75*+238%   1134*  2976*  3912* 10367*     0     0     0 
  6 Salem (M)      Web Ind   9062.80* +50%   3690*   443*     0    810   2963*  390    72 
  7 Habarovsk (S)      Rus   8745.25* +61%   2954*  1723    798   2861      0     0     0 
  8 Catania TSKP (S    Ita   8180.50   -3%   2886      0   4817*     0      0     0     0 
  9 St. Petersburg Web Rus   7840.25*+278%   1412*  1980*  4228*  3689*     0     0     0 
 10 RupanugaVedicCoWeb USA   7750.00  -24%   2876   1227    952   1020    400     0     0 
 11 Los Angeles (L)Web USA   7748.10   -1%   2324   1412   1920   2728    461     0     0 
 12 Surat (S)          Ind   7104.75  +24%   1664    470*   456   2045   6162  1027    36 
 13 VV Nagar (M)   Web Ind   6836.00  +10%   1324    549    298*  2430   6918  1153     0 
 14 Nizhny Novgorod    Rus   6593.25* +45%   2207*  1246   1503*   727      0     0     0 
 15 Pune (L)           Ind   6420.65   -4%   2498    185    333   4251    104     0    26 
 16 Ahmedabad (M)  Web Ind   5266.50  +48%   1774      0    693*  2224*  2004*  324    25 
 17 New Delhi(Punj.    Ind   4858.25  -22%   1120    410      0   5193   5224*  204     0 
 18 Washington D.C.Web USA   4028.00*+434%     93    282   1130   8222*  9175*    5     3 
 19 Milan (M)          Ita   3990.20*+171%   1923*     0    288      0      2     0     0 
 20 Irkutsk (S)        Rus   3757.80* +63%    612*   774*  1238*  4114*  1123     0     0 
 21 Barnaul (S)        Rus   3688.60* +51%    634*   718*  1223*  3896*  1171*    0     0 
 22 Boston (S)     Web USA   3273.50   -4%   1150    322    157   2292*     0     0     0 
 23 Vladivostok (M)    Rus   3152.00*  +5%    712*   878*   944   1512*     0     0     0 
 24 Bhaktivedanta MWeb Eng   2858.25  -14%    700     27   2814     97      0     0     0 
 25 London-Soho (M)Web Eng   2631.75  +65%   1107*   114    180    855      0     0     0 
 26 Chittagong-Prab    Ban   2569.75   +1%    826    359     96   2043      0     0     6 
 27 Bali (S)           Ind   2524.95  -25%    924     58    390   1355    852     0     0 
 28 Villa Vrndavana    Ita   2336.60 +106%    870      0   1173      0    101*    0     0 
 29 Leipzig (S)        Ger   2310.50  +56%    384   1110    865*     0      0     0     0 
 30 San Jose(ISV) (Web USA   2266.75  -29%    552     32    140   4243      0     0     1 
 31 Laguna Beach (S    USA   2242.05*+132%    945*   107*    16    789    398*    0     2 
 32 San Diego (M)  Web USA   1789.50  -29%    474    588    367*   280      0     0     0 
 33 Kanpur (S)         Ind   1608.35   na     697     37     60    583     16     0     2 
 34 Philadelphia (MWeb USA   1604.50*+999%    413*    67*    61*  2706*    45     0    12 
 35 Berlin (S)         Ger   1575.00*+125%    242    345   1492*     0      0     0     0 
 36 Chandigarh (S)     Ind   1454.50   +3%    409    368    307    460      0     0     0 
 37 Denver (M)     Web USA   1437.35  -26%    375    318     52   1031    856     0     2 
 38 Kanyakumari (MS    Ind   1425.65  +26%    579    154     53*   209*   121    12     2 
 39 Phoenix(MA) (S)    Mau   1406.25   +3%    167*   124*   307   3179      0     0     0 
 40 Sofia (MS)         Bul   1376.00*+140%    364    648*     0      0      0     0     0 
 41 Prabhupada Desh    Ita   1357.00  +35%    557      0    486      0      0     0     0 
 42 Auckland Loft (    NZ    1277.50  +37%    297    427    146*   734      0     0     0 
 43 Alachua (S)    Web USA   1209.40*+114%    311*    28    460*   940*   944*    0     4 
 44 Toronto (S)    Web Can   1156.80  -11%    258     67    472*  1268     32     4     8 
 45 Chicago (S)    Web USA   1128.75  -12%    366    211     47    649      0     0     0 
 46 New Talavan (S)Web USA    918.50  +25%    362      0    268    242*     0     0     0 
 47 Trincomalee (MS    Sri    826.50  +56%    318    121     24    150*   200*    0     1 
 48 Houston (S)    Web USA    806.25*+557%    307*    43    168*   261*     0     0     5 
 49 Sarov (MS)         Rus    732.50   na     185    206    194    238      0     0     0 
 50 Berezniki (S)      Rus    715.75*+725%    236*    50*   166*   443*     0     0     0 
 51 Perm (M)           Rus    697.50  -21%    300     71     35     36      0     0     0 
 52 Prabhupada Bhav    Cze    633.00  +23%     23    562      4     92      0     0     0 
 53 Prague (M)     Web Cze    602.00  -46%     12    353      0    900*     0     0     0 
 54 Bon Accueil (M)    Mau    516.50  +75%     40      8      7   1700      0     0     0 
 55 BTG/    USA    475.00  -23%      0      0      0      0    570    95     0 
 56 Lenasia (S)        SA     474.25  +78%     45     20    151*  1155      0     0     0 
 57 Valsad (S)         Ind    467.55  -48%    206      6     40    101*    43     0     1 
 58 Sarajevo (S)       Bos    447.00   -4%    199     49      0      0      0     0     0 
 59 New Vrindavan (Web USA    429.00  -34%    188     33     40      0      0     0     0 
 60 New Orleans (S)Web USA    427.50   -6%      0      0    530    650      0     0     0 
 61 Wellington (S)     NZ     426.00  -25%    140    118      7     98      0     0     2 
 62 Melbourne (L)      Aus    401.75  -15%    127     66     64    199      0     0     0 
 63 Itajai (S)         Bra    397.25  -36%     39     55      4   1049      0     0     0 
 64 Kaunas (S)         Lit    395.00   -7%     60     41     10    916      0     0     0 
 65 Miami (S)      Web USA    392.90* +35%     51     18     69    546*   667*    8     0 
 66 Heidelberg (MS)    Ger    341.00  -35%     23     30    530      0      0     0     0 
 67 Dallas (M)     Web USA    338.50   +7%     97     67     88    134      0     0     0 
 68 Brisbane (S)       Aus    331.25  -23%     19     31    433     85    245*    0     1 
 69 Berkeley (S)   Web USA    317.05   +4%     61     35    151    171    418     0     0 
 70 Munich (S)     Web Ger    250.00  +53%     30*   105*   170      0      0     0     0 
 71 Nellore (M)        Ind    248.50  -26%      0     82     46    574      0     0     0 
 72 Madrid (MS)    Web Spa    248.00  +28%     63*   117      1     18      0     0     0 
 73 Curitiba (MS)  Web Bra    238.00  -34%     28     45      6    536*     0     0     0 
 74 Kinshasa (S)       Con    232.50  -53%     45    121     27     32      0     0     0 
 75 Vilnius (S)        Lit    231.25   +4%     11     93      5    455      0     0     0 
 76 Durban (L)         SA     229.45  -41%     52      2     12    467      7     0     2 
 77 Baltimore (MS)     USA    225.25  +20%     97      0     10    105      0     0     2 
 78 Rome (S)       Web Ita    187.50  -66%      5      0    355      0      0     0     0 
 79 Jeleznogorsk (S    Rus    142.25  -12%     44     20      4    129      0     0     0 
 80 Simhacalam (NJN    Ger    140.00   -7%      5     87     86      0      0     0     0 
 81 Ljubljana (S)      Slo    115.00  -58%     27     24     40     68      0     0     0 
 82 Blantyre (MS)      Mal    106.00  +10%     39     14     10*    36      0     0     0 
 83 Osijek (MS)        Cro    101.25  -45%      4     47      0    185      0     0     0 
 84 Goloka Dhama (S    Ger     81.00  -15%      1     66     26      0      0     0     0 
 85 Hillsborough (SWeb USA     75.75  -54%      0     39     21    105      0     0     0 
 86 NY Long Island     USA     68.50  -18%     13      5     29     92      0     0     0 
 87 German Congrega    Ger     67.00  -73%     13     23     34      0     10     0     0 
 88 Seattle (S)    Web USA     50.75   na       4      0     13    145      0     0     0 
 89 Scarborough (S)    Can     44.25  -66%     21      0      0      9      0     0     1 
 90 Marilia (S)        Bra     39.85*+149%      2      1     15*   103*    16     0     0 
 91 Brampton (S)       Can     30.45  -25%      2     15*    10     25      2     0     0 
 92 Zurich (S)     Web Swi     16.00  -84%      2     10      4      0      0     0     0 
 93 Lages (S)          Bra     12.50   na       2      1      3     24      0     0     0 
 94 Florianopolis (    Bra      8.50  -89%      1      2*     0     18      0     0     0 
 95 Arkadelphia (S)    USA      5.50*   0%      1      2      0      6*     0     0     0 
 96 Joao Pessoa (S)    Bra      4.40   na       0      0      0     14      9     0     0 
 97 New Gokula-Braz    Bra      2.00  -97%      1      0      0      0      0     0     0 
                                    (%)Change compared                        (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                          this year

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                TEAM BOOK DISTRIBUTION
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 

                                    (%)Change compared                      (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                        this year

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                              TOP 100 REGULAR INDIVIDUALS
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
    Individuals              Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 

  1 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 7565.50  +53%  2848   1062   1354    522     0     0     0
  2 Bk Punit         Del Ind 5042.50*+134%  1898*   708    903*   348     0     0     0
  3 HH Jayapataka Sw May Ind 4000.00  +28%  2000      0      0      0     0     0     0
  4 Paramesvara d    RVC USA 3043.00   -6%  1098    459    776      0     0     0     0
  5 Adhoksaja d      Niz Rus 2614.00  +15%  1307      0      0      0     0     0     0
  6 Keshava Balaram  New Ind 2093.70  +10%   535    210      0   2500* 1659*   12     0
  7 Damodara Sundar  New Ind 2083.80   -1%   535    200      0   2500  1660*   12     0
  8 Gopiswar d       Del Ind 2051.25  +79%  1016      5      0     57     0     0     0
  9 Nanda Kumar d    Hab Rus 1892.00* +44%   464*   623*   378*   608     0     0     0
 10 Nitai Lila d     Cat Ita 1798.50   +2%   662      0    949*     0     0     0     0
 11 Vrajasundara d   Cat Ita 1788.50   -2%   662      0    929*     0     0     0     0
 12 Shastra-krt d    LA  USA 1704.00 +102%   834     29      0      0    70     0     0
 13 Madhukari d      RVC USA 1646.50  -42%   810      0     53      0     0     0     0
 14 Anupam Krishna d Mos Rus 1530.00  +25%   765      0      0      0     0     0     0
 15 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1482.80  -24%   520     10    803*     0   313*    0     0
 16 Bk Rakesh        Del Ind 1420.00  -82%   710      0      0      0     0     0     1
 17 Purnananda d     May Ind 1331.00  -29%   513     72    466      0     0     0     2
 18 Bk Hemant        Del Ind 1326.00   na    503    188    218     92     0     0     0
 19 Gadadhara Prana  Cat Ita 1314.50  -15%   463      0    777      0     0     0     0
 20 Lila Madhava d   Cat Ita 1304.50  +12%   484      0    673      0     0     0     0
 21 Manohar d        Ahm Ind 1235.25*+108%   566*     0    108*   189*   20     0    16
 22 Devaki Putra d   Del Ind 1234.75*+334%   506*    77*    79    425*    0     0    15
 23 Yoga Nrisimha d  May Ind 1227.00   -9%   428    103*   536*     0     0     0     7
 24 Achyutananda Gau May Ind 1227.00  +16%   428    103    536*     0     0     0     6
 25 Sudharma d       Hab Rus 1219.25  -35%   289    319    406    477*    0     0     0
 26 Prema Sankirtan  LA  USA 1190.00   +7%   280*   474      0    608    40*    0     0
 27 Krsna Rupa d     Cat Ita 1126.50  -12%   349      0    857*     0     0     0     0
 28 Raivat d         Ahm Ind 1061.25  +42%   376      0    212*   805*   20     0     0
 29 Tirtha Govinda d May Ind 1043.50  +18%   340     54    396*   446     0     0     5
 30 Bk Brendon       Bos USA 1042.50  -46%   329    237      0    590     0     0     0
 31 Ambarish d       Mos Rus 1036.00  -49%   518      0      0      0     0     0     0
 32 Sadhu Sanga d    St. Rus 1013.00   na    494     14      5     34     0     0     0
 33 Dvijamani Gaura  RVC USA 1001.00    0%   244    443*    10    180   200*    0     0
 34 Bharadwaj d      May Ind  997.50  -66%   444     76*    58     18     0     0     4
 35 Mohanasini dd    New USA  918.50  +11%   362      0    268    242*    0     0     0
 36 Nanda Dulal d    May Ind  890.50  +59%   359     82*   144*    74     0     0     9
 37 Rupamaya Govind  Ahm Ind  885.50  +20%   434      0     35*     0     0     0     0
 38 Purnananda d     New Ind  882.75* +42%   335*   125    145     61     0     0     0
 39 Gaura Bhumi d    Pra Ita  875.00 +300%   393      0    178      0     0     0     0
 40 Kamalapati d     May Ind  866.00  +44%   324     72*   192*   200     0     0     1
 41 Rupanuga d       Vil Ita  864.40 +195%   353      0    311      0    29     0     0
 42 Ananda Krsna d   Ber Ger  860.00*+118%   180*   262    476*     0     0     0     0
 43 Sri Damodar d    Tri Sri  820.00*+999%   400*     0      0      0   200*    0     1
 44 Bk Prihodchenko  St. Rus  800.00   na    240    320      0      0     0     0     0
 45 Nidra dd         Den USA  781.35  -27%   235    186     35    427    11     0     2
 46 Deva Krsna d     RVC USA  770.50  +30%   301    122      0    186     0     0     0
 47 Bipin Bihari d   May Ind  759.00  -47%   365     29      0      0     0     0     0
 48 Sacitanoy d      LA  USA  755.75  +15%   123    437      0    291     0     0     0
 49 Visvanatha d     Cat Ita  743.00   -6%   232      0    558*     0     0     0     0
 50 Neel Kantha d    Del Ind  740.00   +8%     0      0      0      0  7400     0     0
 51 Dinadayal Gopal  May Ind  738.25  +24%   332     31     74     25     0     0     6
 52 Bk Sergio        Mil Ita  709.00*+298%   349*     0     22      0     0     0     0
 53 Jagad Guru Jayde May Ind  709.00  -13%   321     32*    20    100     0     0     3
 54 Gour Mohan d     Lei Ger  705.00  +14%   121    413    100      0     0     0     0
 55 Arjunavallabha(M Mos Rus  705.00  +51%     0      0   1410      0     0     0     0
 56 Jugala Kishor d  Mos Rus  676.50  -23%     0      0      0   2706     0     0     0
 57 Nityadham d      New Ind  670.75   -3%    50      0      0    153  1905*  180     0
 58 Dvarakadish d    Lei Ger  649.50  +22%   146    248    219*     0     0     0     0
 59 Govardhana Puja  Vil Ita  647.00*+149%   285*     0    150*     0    20     0     0
 60 Bk Brandon       Rup USA  646.50   -3%   246      7     40    430*  200     0     0
 61 Bk Carlos        SD  USA  645.00  +35%   159    255     54    180     0     0     0
 62 Krsna Kumar d    RVC USA  642.50  -53%   177    196     73    224     0     0     0
 63 Maha Prema d     Niz Rus  641.00*+134%   108*    58    734*     0     0     0     0
 64 Bk Alexey        Lon Eng  636.75*+750%   280*     8*    28*   219*    0     0     0
 65 Bk David         SD  USA  633.75* +93%   174*   178    201*    29     0     0     0
 66 Revati dd        Mos Rus  632.00  -41%   316      0      0      0     0     0     0
 67 Bk Mauro         Mil Ita  621.00*+584%   305*     0     22      0     0     0     0
 68 Patit Uddhar Gov May Ind  621.00  -18%   277     19     39    114     0     0     3
 69 Smita Krishna d  Mos Rus  600.00  -21%   300      0      0      0     0     0     0
 70 Bhupati Gopal d  May Ind  592.00  -44%   290      6     12      0     0     0     1
 71 Nirmal Jain      Ahm Ind  580.00   na    140      0    210    780     0     0     0
 72 Godruma d        Lei Ger  577.00* +73%    92    288*   210*     0     0     0     0
 73 Sutapa d         Bha Eng  566.00   +5%   236      0    188*     0     0     0     0
 74 Arun Govinda d   May Ind  561.50  +32%   253     23     31     68     0     0     3
 75 Govinda Charan d Niz Rus  546.50   na    233     52     23     68     0     0     0
 76 Tusta Ram d      May Ind  530.00  -32%   192     36     95    250     0     0     1
 77 Rasika Shekhar d Mos Rus  528.00  -10%   264      0      0      0     0     0     0
 78 Gournataraj d    May Ind  520.75  +33%   203*    10    147    125     0     0     2
 79 Udar Gour Sundar May Ind  520.75  -52%   203     10    147*   125     0     0     3
 80 Saci Kishor d    Lon Eng  504.50   na    251      0      0     10     0     0     0
 81 Sukhi Shyam d    May Ind  498.00  -28%   217     30     68      0     0     0     1
 82 HH Bhakti Ananta Mos Rus  480.00  -47%   216     32      0     64     0     0     0
 83 Anand Govind d   Ahm Ind  472.50*+395%     0      0      0      0  1134*  189     0
 84 Savyasacy d      Niz Rus  472.00*+149%    68    319*    34      0     0     0     0
 85 Acharyaratna d   Per Rus  452.00  -31%   194     64      0      0     0     0     0
 86 Premika d        St. Rus  440.00   na     73    183    210     24     0     0     0
 87 Ananda Vidya d   NVr USA  429.00  -34%   188     33     40      0     0     0     0
 88 Devaprastha d    Vil Ita  414.50*+171%    71*     0    541*     0    20     0     0
 89 Bhaktyalabya d   Mil Ita  399.00   na    185      0     58      0     0     0     0
 90 Hema Hladini dd  Bha Eng  396.00  -26%   145      0    212      0     0     0     0
 91 Nitai Gauracandr Kau Lit  395.00   na     60     41     10    916     0     0     0
 92 Bk Bryan         LA  USA  373.00  +38%    38     84    184*   484     0     0     0
 93 Amrita Krishna d Tri Sri  372.00  -24%   118    121*     0      0   150     0     0
 94 Vasudeva Datta d Mil Ita  371.00*+188%   183*     0     10      0     0     0     0
 95 Drumila d        New USA  360.00  -20%     0      0    520    400     0     0     0
 96 Bk Laurie        Lon Eng  359.00*+109%   177*     0      0     20     0     0     0
 97 Bhisma d         SD  USA  350.50  +15%    99    106     77     32     0     0     0
 98 Advaita Gaura Ha Hei Ger  338.00  -13%    23     28    528      0     0     0     0
 99 Bk Eric          LA  USA  326.70  -32%    81     41    171    146    17     0     0
100 Yadavendra d     Bri Aus  319.00  +13%    14     29    433*    84   245*    0     1
                                    (%)Change compared                      (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                        this year

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                           World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                 September 2012

   Top Temples            Book Points       Top Individuals          Book Points
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Mumbai-Chowpatty  Web Ind 27312.30     1 Madhusundar d        Del Ind 7565.50
 2 Mayapur           Web Ind 26064.00     2 Bk Punit             Del Ind 5042.50
 3 New Delhi             Ind 23294.90     3 HH Jayapataka Swami  May Ind 4000.00
 4 Moscow            Web Rus  9978.30     4 Paramesvara d        RVC USA 3043.00
 5 Krasnodar             Rus  9791.75     5 Adhoksaja d          Niz Rus 2614.00
 6 Salem             Web Ind  9062.80     6 Keshava Balaram d    New Ind 2093.70
 7 Habarovsk             Rus  8745.25     7 Damodara Sundar d    New Ind 2083.80
 8 Catania TSKP          Ita  8180.50     8 Gopiswar d           Del Ind 2051.25
 9 St. Petersburg    Web Rus  7840.25     9 Nanda Kumar d        Hab Rus 1892.00
10 RupanugaVedicColl Web USA  7750.00    10 Nitai Lila d         Cat Ita 1798.50

   Top Temples            (%)Increase       Top Individuals          (%)Increase
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Philadelphia       Web USA   +999%     1 Sri Damodar d        Tri Sri   +999%
 2 Berezniki              Rus   +725%     2 Bk Alexey            Lon Eng   +750%
 3 Houston            Web USA   +557%     3 Bk Mauro             Mil Ita   +584%
 4 Washington D.C.    Web USA   +434%     4 Devaki Putra d       Del Ind   +334%
 5 St. Petersburg     Web Rus   +278%     5 Gaura Bhumi d        Pra Ita   +300%
 6 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind   +238%     6 Bk Sergio            Mil Ita   +298%
 7 Krasnodar              Rus   +238%     7 Rupanuga d           Vil Ita   +195%
 8 Milan                  Ita   +171%     8 Govardhana Puja d    Vil Ita   +149%
 9 Sofia                  Bul   +140%     9 Bk Punit             Del Ind   +134%
10 Laguna Beach           USA   +132%    10 Maha Prema d         Niz Rus   +134%

   Top Temples      Big+Mahabig Books       Top Individuals    Big+Mahabig Books
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 New Delhi              Ind   10963     1 Madhusundar d        Del Ind    3910
 2 Mayapur            Web Ind   10888     2 Bk Punit             Del Ind    2606
 3 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind   10055     3 HH Jayapataka Swami  May Ind    2000
 4 Habarovsk              Rus    4677     4 Paramesvara d        RVC USA    1557
 5 Salem              Web Ind    4133     5 Adhoksaja d          Niz Rus    1307
 6 Krasnodar              Rus    4110     6 Nanda Kumar d        Hab Rus    1087
 7 RupanugaVedicColle Web USA    4103     7 Gopiswar d           Del Ind    1021
 8 Moscow             Web Rus    4052     8 Shastra-krt d        LA  USA     863
 9 Los Angeles        Web USA    3736     9 Madhukari d          RVC USA     810
10 Nizhny Novgorod        Rus    3453    10 Anupam Krishna d     Mos Rus     765

   Top Temples          Mahabig Books       Top Individuals        Mahabig Books
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Mayapur            Web Ind    9467     1 Madhusundar d        Del Ind    2848
 2 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind    8837     2 HH Jayapataka Swami  May Ind    2000
 3 New Delhi              Ind    8713     3 Bk Punit             Del Ind    1898
 4 Salem              Web Ind    3690     4 Adhoksaja d          Niz Rus    1307
 5 Habarovsk              Rus    2954     5 Paramesvara d        RVC USA    1098
 6 Moscow             Web Rus    2918     6 Gopiswar d           Del Ind    1016
 7 Catania TSKP           Ita    2886     7 Shastra-krt d        LA  USA     834
 8 RupanugaVedicColle Web USA    2876     8 Madhukari d          RVC USA     810
 9 Pune                   Ind    2498     9 Anupam Krishna d     Mos Rus     765
10 Los Angeles        Web USA    2324    10 Bk Rakesh            Del Ind     710

   Top Temples              Big Books       Top Individuals            Big Books
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Krasnodar              Rus    2976     1 Madhusundar d        Del Ind    1062
 2 New Delhi              Ind    2250     2 Bk Punit             Del Ind     708
 3 St. Petersburg     Web Rus    1980     3 Nanda Kumar d        Hab Rus     623
 4 Habarovsk              Rus    1723     4 Prema Sankirtan d    LA  USA     474
 5 Mayapur            Web Ind    1421     5 Paramesvara d        RVC USA     459
 6 Los Angeles        Web USA    1412     6 Dvijamani Gaura d    RVC USA     443
 7 Nizhny Novgorod        Rus    1246     7 Sacitanoy d          LA  USA     437
 8 RupanugaVedicColle Web USA    1227     8 Gour Mohan d         Lei Ger     413
 9 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind    1218     9 Bk Prihodchenko      St. Rus     320
10 Moscow             Web Rus    1134    10 Sudharma d           Hab Rus     319

   Top Temples           Medium Books       Top Individuals         Medium Books
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Catania TSKP           Ita    4817     1 Arjunavallabha(Mosco Mos Rus    1410
 2 Mayapur            Web Ind    4767     2 Madhusundar d        Del Ind    1354
 3 St. Petersburg     Web Rus    4228     3 Nitai Lila d         Cat Ita     949
 4 Krasnodar              Rus    3912     4 Vrajasundara d       Cat Ita     929
 5 Bhaktivedanta Mano Web Eng    2814     5 Bk Punit             Del Ind     903
 6 New Delhi              Ind    2801     6 Krsna Rupa d         Cat Ita     857
 7 Moscow             Web Rus    2753     7 Bhrgupati d          LA  USA     803
 8 Los Angeles        Web USA    1920     8 Gadadhara Prana d    Cat Ita     777
 9 Nizhny Novgorod        Rus    1503     9 Paramesvara d        RVC USA     776
10 Berlin                 Ger    1492    10 Maha Prema d         Niz Rus     734

   Top Temples            Small Books       Top Individuals          Small Books
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind   30284     1 Jugala Kishor d      Mos Rus    2706
 2 Krasnodar              Rus   10367     2 Keshava Balaram d    New Ind    2500
 3 Washington D.C.    Web USA    8222     3 Damodara Sundar d    New Ind    2500
 4 Moscow             Web Rus    6180     4 Nitai Gauracandra d  Kau Lit     916
 5 New Delhi(Punj.Bag     Ind    5193     5 Akruti dd            Pho Mau     833
 6 Pune                   Ind    4251     6 Satyabhama dd        Pho Mau     833
 7 San Jose(ISV)      Web USA    4243     7 Vinata dd            Pho Mau     833
 8 Irkutsk                Rus    4114     8 Raivat d             Ahm Ind     805
 9 Barnaul                Rus    3896     9 Nirmal Jain          Ahm Ind     780
10 St. Petersburg     Web Rus    3689    10 Divyanga d           Ala USA     744

   Top Temples              Magazines       Top Individuals            Magazines
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Mayapur            Web Ind   25000     1 Neel Kantha d        Del Ind    7400
 2 New Delhi              Ind   13229     2 Priya Vrat d         Del Ind    3129
 3 Washington D.C.    Web USA    9175     3 Ras Raj d            Del Ind    2700
 4 VV Nagar           Web Ind    6918     4 Nityadham d          New Ind    1905
 5 Surat                  Ind    6162     5 Damodara Sundar d    New Ind    1660
 6 New Delhi(Punj.Bag     Ind    5224     6 Keshava Balaram d    New Ind    1659
 7 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind    4252     7 Anand Govind d       Ahm Ind    1134
 8 Salem              Web Ind    2963     8 Visala d             Mia USA     423
 9 Ahmedabad          Web Ind    2004     9 Pavan d              Ahm Ind     420
10 Barnaul                Rus    1171    10 Bhrgupati d          LA  USA     313

                           1 year BTG                                 1 year BTG
   Top Temples          Subscriptions       Top Individuals        Subscriptions
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 VV Nagar           Web Ind    1153     1 Anand Govind d       Ahm Ind     189
 2 Surat                  Ind    1027     2 Nityadham d          New Ind     180
 3 Salem              Web Ind     390     3 Pavan d              Ahm Ind      70
 4 Ahmedabad          Web Ind     324     4 Keshava Balaram d    New Ind      12
 5 New Delhi(Punj.Bag     Ind     204     5 Damodara Sundar d    New Ind      12
 6 BTG/        USA      95     6 Lilakara d           Mia USA       8
 7 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind      69
 8 Kanyakumari            Ind      12
 9 Miami              Web USA       8
10 Washington D.C.    Web USA       5

   Top Temples              Full Sets       Top Individuals            Full Sets
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Mayapur            Web Ind      97     1 Manohar d            Ahm Ind      16
 2 Salem              Web Ind      72     2 Devaki Putra d       Del Ind      15
 3 Surat                  Ind      36     3 Nanda Dulal d        May Ind       9
 4 New Delhi              Ind      27     4 Yoga Nrisimha d      May Ind       7
 5 Pune                   Ind      26     5 Achyutananda Gaura d May Ind       6
 6 Ahmedabad          Web Ind      25     6 Dinadayal Gopal d    May Ind       6
 7 Philadelphia       Web USA      12     7 Tirtha Govinda d     May Ind       5
 8 Mumbai-Chowpatty   Web Ind       9     8 Bramhapal d          Pun Ind       5
 9 Toronto            Web Can       8     9 Bharadwaj d          May Ind       4
10 Chittagong-Prabart     Ban       6    10 Radhika Raman d      Ala USA       4

   Top Swamis             Book Points       Top Matajis              Book Points
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 HH Jayapataka Swam May Ind 4000.00     1 Mohanasini dd        New USA  918.50
 2 HH Bhakti Ananta K Mos Rus  480.00     2 Nidra dd             Den USA  781.35
                                          3 Revati dd            Mos Rus  632.00
                                          4 Hema Hladini dd      Bha Eng  396.00
                                          5 Akruti dd            Pho Mau  235.75
                                          6 Satyabhama dd        Pho Mau  235.75
                                          7 Vinata dd            Pho Mau  235.75
                                          8 Akuti dd             Ala USA  186.00
                                          9 Tungavidya Prema dd  Ita Bra  166.75
                                         10 Kirtida Kanyaka dd   Chi USA  166.00

   Top Bhaktas            Book Points       Top Bhaktins             Book Points
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 Bk Punit           Del Ind 5042.50     1 Bn Arianna           Vil Ita  229.00
 2 Bk Rakesh          Del Ind 1420.00     2 Bn Andrea            Ber USA  121.20
 3 Bk Hemant          Del Ind 1326.00     3 Bn Demi              Tor Can  118.75
 4 Bk Brendon         Bos USA 1042.50     4 Bn Kajol             Dur SA    12.50
 5 Bk Prihodchenko    St. Rus  800.00     5                                 0.00
 6 Bk Sergio          Mil Ita  709.00     6                                 0.00
 7 Bk Brandon         Rup USA  646.50     7                                 0.00
 8 Bk Carlos          SD  USA  645.00     8                                 0.00
 9 Bk Alexey          Lon Eng  636.75     9                                 0.00
10 Bk David           SD  USA  633.75    10                                 0.00

   Top Veteran Men(20+yrs)Book Points       Top Veteran Women(20+yrs)Book Points
   ----------------------------------       ------------------------------------
 1 HH Jayapataka Swam May Ind 4000.00     1 Mohanasini dd        New USA  918.50
 2 Bhrgupati d        LA  USA 1482.80     2 Nidra dd             Den USA  781.35
 3 Prema Sankirtan d  LA  USA 1190.00     3 Akuti dd             Ala USA  186.00
 4 Ambarish d         Mos Rus 1036.00     4 Lalita dd            Ber USA   65.45
 5 Kamalapati d       May Ind  866.00     5 Karuna Dharini dd    LA  USA   48.75
 6 Sacitanoy d        LA  USA  755.75     6 Mantra Murti dd      Mia USA   32.00
 7 Visvanatha d       Cat Ita  743.00     7 Radharani dd         LA  USA   28.25
 8 Bk Sergio          Mil Ita  709.00     8 Subhangada dd        NY  USA   16.50
 9 Govardhana Puja d  Vil Ita  647.00     9 Nartaka Gopal dd     Mia USA    4.00
10 Vasudeva Datta d   Mil Ita  371.00

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                    TEMPLES BY SIZE
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 

      LARGE TEMPLES (41+ devotees)

  1 Mumbai-Chowpat Web Ind 27312.30*+238%   8837*  1218    586  30284* 4252    69     9
  2 Mayapur        Web Ind 26064.00  -35%   9467   1421   4767   3302 25000     0    97
  3 New Delhi          Ind 23294.90   +5%   8713   2250   2801*  3582 13229*    0    27
  4 Moscow         Web Rus  9978.30  -28%   2918   1134   2753   6180*  868     0     0
  5 St. Petersburg Web Rus  7840.25*+278%   1412*  1980*  4228*  3689*    0     0     0
  6 Los Angeles    Web USA  7748.10   -1%   2324   1412   1920   2728   461     0     0
  7 Pune               Ind  6420.65   -4%   2498    185    333   4251   104     0    26
  8 Bhaktivedanta  Web Eng  2858.25  -14%    700     27   2814     97     0     0     0
  9 Chittagong-Prabart Ban  2569.75   +1%    826    359     96   2043     0     0     6
 10 Villa Vrndavana    Ita  2336.60 +106%    870      0   1173      0   101*    0     0
 11 New Vrindavan  Web USA   429.00  -34%    188     33     40      0     0     0     0
 12 Melbourne          Aus   401.75  -15%    127     66     64    199     0     0     0
 13 Durban             SA    229.45  -41%     52      2     12    467     7     0     2

      MEDIUM TEMPLES (21-40 devotees)

  1 Salem          Web Ind  9062.80* +50%   3690*   443*     0    810  2963*  390    72
  2 VV Nagar       Web Ind  6836.00  +10%   1324    549    298*  2430  6918  1153     0
  3 Ahmedabad      Web Ind  5266.50  +48%   1774      0    693*  2224* 2004*  324    25
  4 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind  4858.25  -22%   1120    410      0   5193  5224*  204     0
  5 Washington D.C Web USA  4028.00*+434%     93    282   1130   8222* 9175*    5     3
  6 Milan              Ita  3990.20*+171%   1923*     0    288      0     2     0     0
  7 Vladivostok        Rus  3152.00*  +5%    712*   878*   944   1512*    0     0     0
  8 London-Soho    Web Eng  2631.75  +65%   1107*   114    180    855     0     0     0
  9 San Diego      Web USA  1789.50  -29%    474    588    367*   280     0     0     0
 10 Philadelphia   Web USA  1604.50*+999%    413*    67*    61*  2706*   45     0    12
 11 Denver         Web USA  1437.35  -26%    375    318     52   1031   856     0     2
 12 Prabhupada Desh    Ita  1357.00  +35%    557      0    486      0     0     0     0
 13 Perm               Rus   697.50  -21%    300     71     35     36     0     0     0
 14 Prague         Web Cze   602.00  -46%     12    353      0    900*    0     0     0
 15 Bon Accueil        Mau   516.50  +75%     40      8      7   1700     0     0     0
 16 Dallas         Web USA   338.50   +7%     97     67     88    134     0     0     0
 17 Nellore            Ind   248.50  -26%      0     82     46    574     0     0     0
 18 Simhacalam (NJNK)  Ger   140.00   -7%      5     87     86      0     0     0     0
 19 New Gokula-Brazil  Bra     2.00  -97%      1      0      0      0     0     0     0

      SMALL TEMPLES (6-20 devotees)

  1 Krasnodar          Rus  9791.75*+238%   1134*  2976*  3912* 10367*    0     0     0
  2 Habarovsk          Rus  8745.25* +61%   2954*  1723    798   2861     0     0     0
  3 Catania TSKP       Ita  8180.50   -3%   2886      0   4817*     0     0     0     0
  4 RupanugaVedicC Web USA  7750.00  -24%   2876   1227    952   1020   400     0     0
  5 Surat              Ind  7104.75  +24%   1664    470*   456   2045  6162  1027    36
  6 Nizhny Novgorod    Rus  6593.25* +45%   2207*  1246   1503*   727     0     0     0
  7 Irkutsk            Rus  3757.80* +63%    612*   774*  1238*  4114* 1123     0     0
  8 Barnaul            Rus  3688.60* +51%    634*   718*  1223*  3896* 1171*    0     0
  9 Boston         Web USA  3273.50   -4%   1150    322    157   2292*    0     0     0
 10 Bali               Ind  2524.95  -25%    924     58    390   1355   852     0     0
 11 Leipzig            Ger  2310.50  +56%    384   1110    865*     0     0     0     0
 12 San Jose(ISV)  Web USA  2266.75  -29%    552     32    140   4243     0     0     1
 13 Laguna Beach       USA  2242.05*+132%    945*   107*    16    789   398*    0     2
 14 Kanpur             Ind  1608.35   na     697     37     60    583    16     0     2
 15 Berlin             Ger  1575.00*+125%    242    345   1492*     0     0     0     0
 16 Chandigarh         Ind  1454.50   +3%    409    368    307    460     0     0     0
 17 Phoenix(MA)        Mau  1406.25   +3%    167*   124*   307   3179     0     0     0
 18 Auckland Loft      NZ   1277.50  +37%    297    427    146*   734     0     0     0
 19 Alachua        Web USA  1209.40*+114%    311*    28    460*   940*  944*    0     4
 20 Toronto        Web Can  1156.80  -11%    258     67    472*  1268    32     4     8
 21 Chicago        Web USA  1128.75  -12%    366    211     47    649     0     0     0
 22 New Talavan    Web USA   918.50  +25%    362      0    268    242*    0     0     0
 23 Houston        Web USA   806.25*+557%    307*    43    168*   261*    0     0     5
 24 Berezniki          Rus   715.75*+725%    236*    50*   166*   443*    0     0     0
 25 BTG/    USA   475.00  -23%      0      0      0      0   570    95     0
 26 Lenasia            SA    474.25  +78%     45     20    151*  1155     0     0     0
 27 Valsad             Ind   467.55  -48%    206      6     40    101*   43     0     1
 28 Sarajevo           Bos   447.00   -4%    199     49      0      0     0     0     0
 29 New Orleans    Web USA   427.50   -6%      0      0    530    650     0     0     0
 30 Wellington         NZ    426.00  -25%    140    118      7     98     0     0     2
 31 Itajai             Bra   397.25  -36%     39     55      4   1049     0     0     0
 32 Kaunas             Lit   395.00   -7%     60     41     10    916     0     0     0
 33 Miami          Web USA   392.90* +35%     51     18     69    546*  667*    8     0
 34 Brisbane           Aus   331.25  -23%     19     31    433     85   245*    0     1
 35 Berkeley       Web USA   317.05   +4%     61     35    151    171   418     0     0
 36 Munich         Web Ger   250.00  +53%     30*   105*   170      0     0     0     0
 37 Kinshasa           Con   232.50  -53%     45    121     27     32     0     0     0
 38 Vilnius            Lit   231.25   +4%     11     93      5    455     0     0     0
 39 Rome           Web Ita   187.50  -66%      5      0    355      0     0     0     0
 40 Jeleznogorsk       Rus   142.25  -12%     44     20      4    129     0     0     0
 41 Ljubljana          Slo   115.00  -58%     27     24     40     68     0     0     0
 42 Goloka Dhama       Ger    81.00  -15%      1     66     26      0     0     0     0
 43 Hillsborough   Web USA    75.75  -54%      0     39     21    105     0     0     0
 44 NY Long Island NH  USA    68.50  -18%     13      5     29     92     0     0     0
 45 German Congregatio Ger    67.00  -73%     13     23     34      0    10     0     0
 46 Seattle        Web USA    50.75   na       4      0     13    145     0     0     0
 47 Scarborough        Can    44.25  -66%     21      0      0      9     0     0     1
 48 Marilia            Bra    39.85*+149%      2      1     15*   103*   16     0     0
 49 Brampton           Can    30.45  -25%      2     15*    10     25     2     0     0
 50 Zurich         Web Swi    16.00  -84%      2     10      4      0     0     0     0
 51 Lages              Bra    12.50   na       2      1      3     24     0     0     0
 52 Arkadelphia        USA     5.50*   0%      1      2      0      6*    0     0     0
 53 Joao Pessoa        Bra     4.40   na       0      0      0     14     9     0     0

      MAHA-SMALL TEMPLES (1-5 devotees)

  1 Kanyakumari        Ind  1425.65  +26%    579    154     53*   209*  121    12     2
  2 Sofia              Bul  1376.00*+140%    364    648*     0      0     0     0     0
  3 Trincomalee        Sri   826.50  +56%    318    121     24    150*  200*    0     1
  4 Sarov              Rus   732.50   na     185    206    194    238     0     0     0
  5 Prabhupada Bhavan- Cze   633.00  +23%     23    562      4     92     0     0     0
  6 Heidelberg         Ger   341.00  -35%     23     30    530      0     0     0     0
  7 Madrid         Web Spa   248.00  +28%     63*   117      1     18     0     0     0
  8 Curitiba       Web Bra   238.00  -34%     28     45      6    536*    0     0     0
  9 Baltimore          USA   225.25  +20%     97      0     10    105     0     0     2
 10 Blantyre           Mal   106.00  +10%     39     14     10*    36     0     0     0
 11 Osijek             Cro   101.25  -45%      4     47      0    185     0     0     0
 12 Florianopolis      Bra     8.50  -89%      1      2*     0     18     0     0     0

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                               World Sankirtan Newsletter
                                  TEMPLES BY CONTINENT
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 


  1 Mumbai-Chowpat Web Ind 27312.30 +287%   8837   1218    586  30284  4252    69     9
  2 Mayapur        Web Ind 26064.00  -27%   9467   1421   4767   3302 25000     0    97
  3 New Delhi          Ind 23294.90  +18%   8713   2250   2801   3582 13229     0    27
  4 Salem          Web Ind  9062.80  +69%   3690    443      0    810  2963   390    72
  5 Surat              Ind  7104.75  +40%   1664    470    456   2045  6162  1027    36
  6 VV Nagar       Web Ind  6836.00  +26%   1324    549    298   2430  6918  1153     0
  7 Pune               Ind  6420.65   +8%   2498    185    333   4251   104     0    26
  8 Ahmedabad      Web Ind  5266.50  +78%   1774      0    693   2224  2004   324    25
  9 New Delhi(Punj.Bag Ind  4858.25  -12%   1120    410      0   5193  5224   204     0
 10 Chittagong-Prabart Ban  2569.75  +21%    826    359     96   2043     0     0     6
 11 Bali               Ind  2524.95  +50%    924     58    390   1355   852     0     0
 12 Kanpur             Ind  1608.35   na     697     37     60    583    16     0     2
 13 Chandigarh         Ind  1454.50  +16%    409    368    307    460     0     0     0
 14 Kanyakumari        Ind  1425.65  +41%    579    154     53    209   121    12     2
 15 Trincomalee        Sri   826.50  +82%    318    121     24    150   200     0     1
 16 Valsad             Ind   467.55  -37%    206      6     40    101    43     0     1
 17 Nellore            Ind   248.50  -17%      0     82     46    574     0     0     0


  1 Moscow         Web Rus  9978.30  -17%   2918   1134   2753   6180   868     0     0
  2 Krasnodar          Rus  9791.75 +576%   1134   2976   3912  10367     0     0     0
  3 Habarovsk          Rus  8745.25 +141%   2954   1723    798   2861     0     0     0
  4 St. Petersburg Web Rus  7840.25 +404%   1412   1980   4228   3689     0     0     0
  5 Nizhny Novgorod    Rus  6593.25  +74%   2207   1246   1503    727     0     0     0
  6 Irkutsk            Rus  3757.80 +226%    612    774   1238   4114  1123     0     0
  7 Barnaul            Rus  3688.60 +203%    634    718   1223   3896  1171     0     0
  8 Vladivostok        Rus  3152.00 +110%    712    878    944   1512     0     0     0
  9 Sarov              Rus   732.50   na     185    206    194    238     0     0     0
 10 Berezniki          Rus   715.75 +999%    236     50    166    443     0     0     0
 11 Perm               Rus   697.50  -11%    300     71     35     36     0     0     0
 12 Jeleznogorsk       Rus   142.25   -1%     44     20      4    129     0     0     0


  1 RupanugaVedicC Web USA  7750.00  -15%   2876   1227    952   1020   400     0     0
  2 Los Angeles    Web USA  7748.10  +11%   2324   1412   1920   2728   461     0     0
  3 Washington D.C Web USA  4028.00 +500%     93    282   1130   8222  9175     5     3
  4 Boston         Web USA  3273.50  +44%   1150    322    157   2292     0     0     0
  5 San Jose(ISV)  Web USA  2266.75  -20%    552     32    140   4243     0     0     1
  6 Laguna Beach       USA  2242.05 +161%    945    107     16    789   398     0     2
  7 San Diego      Web USA  1789.50  -20%    474    588    367    280     0     0     0
  8 Philadelphia   Web USA  1604.50 +999%    413     67     61   2706    45     0    12
  9 Denver         Web USA  1437.35  -16%    375    318     52   1031   856     0     2
 10 Alachua        Web USA  1209.40 +141%    311     28    460    940   944     0     4
 11 Toronto        Web Can  1156.80    0%    258     67    472   1268    32     4     8
 12 Chicago        Web USA  1128.75   +1%    366    211     47    649     0     0     0
 13 New Talavan    Web USA   918.50  +41%    362      0    268    242     0     0     0
 14 Houston        Web USA   806.25 +639%    307     43    168    261     0     0     5
 15 BTG/    USA   475.00  -13%      0      0      0      0   570    95     0
 16 New Vrindavan  Web USA   429.00  -18%    188     33     40      0     0     0     0
 17 New Orleans    Web USA   427.50   +6%      0      0    530    650     0     0     0
 18 Miami          Web USA   392.90  +52%     51     18     69    546   667     8     0
 19 Dallas         Web USA   338.50  +20%     97     67     88    134     0     0     0
 20 Berkeley       Web USA   317.05  +17%     61     35    151    171   418     0     0
 21 Baltimore          USA   225.25  +79%     97      0     10    105     0     0     2
 22 Hillsborough   Web USA    75.75  -39%      0     39     21    105     0     0     0
 23 NY Long Island NH  USA    68.50   -4%     13      5     29     92     0     0     0
 24 Seattle        Web USA    50.75   na       4      0     13    145     0     0     0
 25 Scarborough        Can    44.25  -61%     21      0      0      9     0     0     1
 26 Brampton           Can    30.45  -15%      2     15     10     25     2     0     0
 27 Arkadelphia        USA     5.50 +100%      1      2      0      6     0     0     0


  1 Catania TSKP       Ita  8180.50   +9%   2886      0   4817      0     0     0     0
  2 Milan              Ita  3990.20 +209%   1923      0    288      0     2     0     0
  3 Bhaktivedanta  Web Eng  2858.25   -2%    700     27   2814     97     0     0     0
  4 London-Soho    Web Eng  2631.75  +85%   1107    114    180    855     0     0     0
  5 Villa Vrndavana    Ita  2336.60 +140%    870      0   1173      0   101     0     0
  6 Leipzig            Ger  2310.50  +79%    384   1110    865      0     0     0     0
  7 Berlin             Ger  1575.00 +158%    242    345   1492      0     0     0     0
  8 Sofia              Bul  1376.00 +170%    364    648      0      0     0     0     0
  9 Prabhupada Desh    Ita  1357.00  +58%    557      0    486      0     0     0     0
 10 Prabhupada Bhavan- Cze   633.00  +38%     23    562      4     92     0     0     0
 11 Prague         Web Cze   602.00  -39%     12    353      0    900     0     0     0
 12 Sarajevo           Bos   447.00  +20%    199     49      0      0     0     0     0
 13 Kaunas             Lit   395.00   +4%     60     41     10    916     0     0     0
 14 Heidelberg         Ger   341.00  -24%     23     30    530      0     0     0     0
 15 Munich         Web Ger   250.00  +79%     30    105    170      0     0     0     0
 16 Madrid         Web Spa   248.00  +44%     63    117      1     18     0     0     0
 17 Vilnius            Lit   231.25  +16%     11     93      5    455     0     0     0
 18 Rome           Web Ita   187.50  -61%      5      0    355      0     0     0     0
 19 Simhacalam (NJNK)  Ger   140.00   +7%      5     87     86      0     0     0     0
 20 Ljubljana          Slo   115.00  -52%     27     24     40     68     0     0     0
 21 Osijek             Cro   101.25  -26%      4     47      0    185     0     0     0
 22 Goloka Dhama       Ger    81.00   +3%      1     66     26      0     0     0     0
 23 German Congregatio Ger    67.00  -69%     13     23     34      0    10     0     0
 24 Zurich         Web Swi    16.00  -82%      2     10      4      0     0     0     0


  1 Phoenix(MA)        Mau  1406.25  +18%    167    124    307   3179     0     0     0
  2 Bon Accueil        Mau   516.50  +97%     40      8      7   1700     0     0     0
  3 Lenasia            Sou   474.25 +103%     45     20    151   1155     0     0     0
  4 Kinshasa           Con   232.50  -43%     45    121     27     32     0     0     0
  5 Durban             Sou   229.45  -34%     52      2     12    467     7     0     2
  6 Blantyre           Mal   106.00  +28%     39     14     10     36     0     0     0


  1 Auckland Loft      New  1277.50  +54%    297    427    146    734     0     0     0
  2 Wellington         New   426.00  -14%    140    118      7     98     0     0     2
  3 Melbourne          Aus   401.75   -5%    127     66     64    199     0     0     0
  4 Brisbane           Aus   331.25   -4%     19     31    433     85   245     0     1


  1 Itajai             Bra   397.25  -23%     39     55      4   1049     0     0     0
  2 Curitiba       Web Bra   238.00  -17%     28     45      6    536     0     0     0
  3 Marilia            Bra    39.85 +274%      2      1     15    103    16     0     0
  4 Lages              Bra    12.50   na       2      1      3     24     0     0     0
  5 Florianopolis      Bra     8.50  -85%      1      2      0     18     0     0     0
  6 Joao Pessoa        Bra     4.40   na       0      0      0     14     9     0     0
  7 New Gokula-Brazil  Bra     2.00  -97%      1      0      0      0     0     0     0

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                                INDIVIDUALS BY CONTINENT
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
                             Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 


  1 Madhusundar d    Del Ind 7565.50  +53%  2848   1062   1354    522     0     0     0
  2 Bk Punit         Del Ind 5042.50*+134%  1898*   708    903*   348     0     0     0
  3 HH Jayapataka Sw May Ind 4000.00  +28%  2000      0      0      0     0     0     0
  4 Keshava Balaram  New Ind 2093.70  +10%   535    210      0   2500* 1659    12     0
  5 Damodara Sundar  New Ind 2083.80   -1%   535    200      0   2500  1660    12     0
  6 Gopiswar d       Del Ind 2051.25  +79%  1016      5      0     57     0     0     0
  7 Bk Rakesh        Del Ind 1420.00  -82%   710      0      0      0     0     0     1
  8 Purnananda d     May Ind 1331.00  -29%   513     72    466      0     0     0     2
  9 Bk Hemant        Del Ind 1326.00   na    503    188    218     92     0     0     0
 10 Manohar d        Ahm Ind 1235.25*+108%   566*     0    108*   189*   20     0    16


  1 Adhoksaja d      Niz Rus 2614.00  +15%  1307      0      0      0     0     0     0
  2 Nanda Kumar d    Hab Rus 1892.00* +44%   464*   623*   378    608     0     0     0
  3 Anupam Krishna d Mos Rus 1530.00  +25%   765      0      0      0     0     0     0
  4 Sudharma d       Hab Rus 1219.25  -35%   289    319    406    477*    0     0     0
  5 Ambarish d       Mos Rus 1036.00  -49%   518      0      0      0     0     0     0
  6 Sadhu Sanga d    St. Rus 1013.00   na    494     14      5     34     0     0     0
  7 Bk Prihodchenko  St. Rus  800.00   na    240    320      0      0     0     0     0
  8 Arjunavallabha(M Mos Rus  705.00  +51%     0      0   1410      0     0     0     0
  9 Jugala Kishor d  Mos Rus  676.50  -23%     0      0      0   2706     0     0     0
 10 Maha Prema d     Niz Rus  641.00*+134%   108*    58    734*     0     0     0     0


  1 Paramesvara d    RVC USA 3043.00   -6%  1098    459    776      0     0     0     0
  2 Shastra-krt d    LA  USA 1704.00 +102%   834     29      0      0    70     0     0
  3 Madhukari d      RVC USA 1646.50  -42%   810      0     53      0     0     0     0
  4 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1482.80  -24%   520     10    803*     0   313*    0     0
  5 Prema Sankirtan  LA  USA 1190.00   +7%   280*   474      0    608    40*    0     0
  6 Bk Brendon       Bos USA 1042.50  -46%   329    237      0    590     0     0     0
  7 Dvijamani Gaura  RVC USA 1001.00    0%   244    443*    10    180   200     0     0
  8 Mohanasini dd    New USA  918.50  +11%   362      0    268    242*    0     0     0
  9 Nidra dd         Den USA  781.35  -27%   235    186     35    427    11     0     2
 10 Deva Krsna d     RVC USA  770.50  +30%   301    122      0    186     0     0     0


  1 Nitai Lila d     Cat Ita 1798.50   +2%   662      0    949*     0     0     0     0
  2 Vrajasundara d   Cat Ita 1788.50   -2%   662      0    929*     0     0     0     0
  3 Gadadhara Prana  Cat Ita 1314.50  -15%   463      0    777      0     0     0     0
  4 Lila Madhava d   Cat Ita 1304.50  +12%   484      0    673      0     0     0     0
  5 Krsna Rupa d     Cat Ita 1126.50  -12%   349      0    857*     0     0     0     0
  6 Gaura Bhumi d    Pra Ita  875.00 +300%   393      0    178      0     0     0     0
  7 Rupanuga d       Vil Ita  864.40 +195%   353      0    311      0    29     0     0
  8 Ananda Krsna d   Ber Ger  860.00*+118%   180*   262    476*     0     0     0     0
  9 Visvanatha d     Cat Ita  743.00   -6%   232      0    558*     0     0     0     0
 10 Bk Sergio        Mil Ita  709.00*+298%   349*     0     22      0     0     0     0


  1 Satyabhama dd    Pho Mau  235.75  -16%     3      9     25*   833     0     0     0
  2 Akruti dd        Pho Mau  235.75  -16%     3      9     25*   833     0     0     0
  3 Vinata dd        Pho Mau  235.75  -16%     3      9     25*   833     0     0     0
  4 Vaman Dev d      Pho Mau   70.00  -59%    28      0      4     48*    0     0     0
  5 Nara Narayan d   Pho Mau   63.00  +36%    11     13     24     64     0     0     0
  6 Sarvakanti dd    Pho Mau   63.00   +6%    11     13     24     64     0     0     0
  7 Vibhu Caitanya d Dur SA    46.25  -26%     0      0      0    185     0     0     0
  8 Mahajan d        Pho Mau   41.50  -22%     3      1     41     56     0     0     0
  9 Dinesh d         Len SA    27.50    0%     0      0     10     90     0     0     0
 10 Mahen d          Pho Mau   22.50  -91%     0      0      0     90     0     0     0


  1 Yadavendra d     Bri Aus  319.00  +13%    14     29    433*    84   245*    0     1
  2 Gaura Mantra d   Mel Aus   47.25  -36%    21      0      6*     9     0     0     0
  3 Mucukunda d      Mel Aus   44.25  -23%    15      7      5     19     0     0     0
  4 N dasa           Mel Aus   40.00   na     12      6     10     20     0     0     0
  5 Krsna Prema d    Mel Aus   34.00  +12%    15      0      7*     2     0     0     0
  6 Bhakti Lata dd   Mel Aus   29.75  +23%    12*     3      0     11*    0     0     0
  7 Vrsni Vamsa d    Mel Aus   25.00   na      0      0      0    100     0     0     0


  1 Tungavidya Prema Ita Bra  166.75  -43%    12     17      2    499     0     0     0
  2 Ekacakra Nitai d Ita Bra  160.25  -18%    19*    25*     1    387     0     0     0
  3 Ekacakra Prana d Ita Bra   56.50  -40%     7     10      0    130     0     0     0
                                    (%)Change compared                      (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                        this year

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                                  PRABHUPADA DISCIPLES
                                     September 2012

                                       %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
    Prabhupada Disciples     Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 

  1 HH Jayapataka Sw May Ind 4000.00  +28%  2000      0      0      0     0     0     0
  2 Bhrgupati d      LA  USA 1482.80  -24%   520     10    803*     0   313*    0     0
  3 Mohanasini dd    New USA  918.50  +11%   362      0    268    242*    0     0     0
  4 Nidra dd         Den USA  781.35  -27%   235    186     35    427    11     0     2
  5 Drumila d        New USA  360.00  -20%     0      0    520    400     0     0     0
  6 Yadavendra d     Bri Aus  319.00  +13%    14     29    433*    84   245*    0     1
  7 Visala d         Mia USA  216.55* +54%    25      6      5    463   423*    0     0
  8 Gadagraja d      Ala USA  210.00* +68%    25*     0    320      0     0     0     0
  9 Akuti dd         Ala USA  186.00   na     82      8      7     32    25     0     0
 10 Govinda Datta d  LA  USA   73.00  -22%    24      0      0    100     0     0     0
 11 Siddhavidya d    Mia USA   44.35  -30%     2      2     33     19   171     0     0
 12 Misra Bhagavan d Dal USA    6.75  -72%     0      1     10      3     0     0     0
 13 Nartaka Gopal dd Mia USA    4.00  -52%     2*     0      0      0     0     0     0
                                    (%)Change compared                      (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                        this year

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                                     September 2012

    Congregation and                   %   M-Big   Big  Medium  Small         BTG  Full 
    Weekend Warriors         Points Change Books  Books  Books  Books  Mags  Subs  Sets 

  1 WW Team ISV Week San USA 2266.75  -29%   552     32    140   4243     0     0     1
  2 WW Toronto WW    Tor Can  433.80  -13%   103     35    137    496     3     0     6
  3 WW Weekend Warri Bha Eng  409.00*+151%   112*     0    370*     0     0     0     0
  4 LA Sastra Dana   LA  USA  390.00   +1%     8      0    260    976     0     0     0
  5 WW Dallas        Dal USA  156.75   -7%    10     65*    78    131     0     0     0
  6 WW Los Angeles   LA  USA   40.25  -78%     2     23      9     35     0     0     0
  7 WW London WW     Lon Eng   27.00  -63%     8      0     13     18     0     0     0
  8 WW Arkadelphia W Ark USA    5.50*   0%     1      2      0      6*    0     0     0
                                    (%)Change compared                      (*)New high
                                    to monthly average                        this year

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                           TOP BTG SUBSCRIPTIONS
                               September 2012

                   Countries              BTG Subscriptions

                 1 India                               3179
                 2 United States                        108
                 3 Canada                                 4

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                           TOP BTG SUBSCRIPTIONS
                               September 2012

                   Temples                BTG Subscriptions

                 1 VV Nagar            India           1153
                 2 Surat               India           1027
                 3 Salem               India            390
                 4 Ahmedabad           India            324
                 5 New Delhi(Punj.Bagh)India            204
                 6 BTG/     USA               95
                 7 Mumbai-Chowpatty    India             69
                 8 Kanyakumari         India             12
                 9 Miami               USA                8
                10 Washington D.C.     USA                5
                11 Toronto             Canada             4

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                           TOP BTG SUBSCRIPTIONS
                               September 2012

                   Individuals            BTG Subscriptions

                 1 Anand Govind d      Ahmedabad, India 189
                 2 Nityadham d         New Delhi(Punj.B 180
                 3 Pavan d             Ahmedabad, India  70
                 4 Keshava Balaram d   New Delhi(Punj.B  12
                 5 Damodara Sundar d   New Delhi(Punj.B  12
                 6 Lilakara d          Miami, USA         8

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                         TOP FULL SET DISTRIBUTORS
                               September 2012

                   Countries                      Full Sets

                 1 India                                297
                 2 United States                         31
                 3 Canada                                 9
                 4 Bangladesh                             6
                 5 New Zealand                            2
                 6 South Africa                           2
                 7 Australia                              1
                 8 Sri Lanka                              1

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                         TOP FULL SET DISTRIBUTORS
                               September 2012

                   Temples                        Full Sets

                 1 Mayapur             India             97
                 2 Salem               India             72
                 3 Surat               India             36
                 4 New Delhi           India             27
                 5 Pune                India             26
                 6 Ahmedabad           India             25
                 7 Philadelphia        USA               12
                 8 Mumbai-Chowpatty    India              9
                 9 Toronto             Canada             8
                10 Chittagong-PrabartakBangladesh         6
                11 Houston             USA                5
                12 Alachua             USA                4
                13 Washington D.C.     USA                3
                14 Laguna Beach        USA                2
                15 Kanpur              India              2
                16 Denver              USA                2
                17 Kanyakumari         India              2
                18 Wellington          New Zealand        2
                19 Durban              South Africa       2
                20 Baltimore           USA                2
                21 San Jose(ISV)       USA                1
                22 Trincomalee         Sri Lanka          1
                23 Valsad              India              1
                24 Brisbane            Australia          1
                25 Scarborough         Canada             1

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                         World Sankirtan Newsletter
                         TOP FULL SET DISTRIBUTORS
                               September 2012

                   Individuals                    Full Sets

                 1 Manohar d           Ahmedabad, India  16
                 2 Devaki Putra d      Delhi, India      15
                 3 Nanda Dulal d       Mayapur, India     9
                 4 Yoga Nrisimha d     Mayapur, India     7
                 5 Achyutananda Gaura dMayapur, India     6
                 6 Dinadayal Gopal d   Mayapur, India     6
                 7 Tirtha Govinda d    Mayapur, India     5
                 8 Bramhapal d         Pune, India        5
                 9 Bharadwaj d         Mayapur, India     4
                10 Radhika Raman d     Alachua, USA       4
                11 Jagad Guru Jaydev d Mayapur, India     3
                12 Patit Uddhar GovindaMayapur, India     3
                13 Arun Govinda d      Mayapur, India     3
                14 Udar Gour Sundar d  Mayapur, India     3
                15 Purnananda d        Mayapur, India     2
                16 Nidra dd            Denver, USA        2
                17 Gournataraj d       Mayapur, India     2
                18 Vyasamuni d         Ahmedabad, India   2

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                                   Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor 
              Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc.

    Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare