Chennai (India)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags

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World Sankirtan Newsletter
Yearly History for Chennai (India)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books (Weeks)
1981( 2) 4738.00 0 1391 4359 4318 880 0 0 10948 ( 5)
1984(12) 188.10 0 45 80 730 56 0 0 911 (52)
1985(12) 38855.80 6538 4986 12270 22852 150525 0 0 197171 (52)
1986( 6) 7820.60 1828 1636 861 4125 19585 0 0 28035 (26)
1989(12) 5585.80 1787 610 2020 4546 444 0 0 9407
1990(11) 12459.90 4202 554 4858 5626 12901 0 0 28141
1991(12) 18002.75 6105 1503 5867 5832 21490 0 0 40797
1992(12) 19352.20 6925 2168 5156 6322 11415 0 0 31986
1993(12) 33215.75 12671 4266 7772 7751 14789 0 0 47249
1994(12) 35840.90 13402 6863 8661 10647 8670 32 0 48435
1995(12) 29752.35 10944 2065 11771 12930 31525 0 28 69235
1996(12) 30836.60 14725 3343 4526 19430 10500 50 209 52824
1997(12) 28239.45 10748 2600 5206 22089 11260 0 90 51903
1998( 8) 14488.40 5596 1458 2077 11863 2300 0 32 23294
2001( 1) 3979.15 1367 89 279 1486 8356 0 0 11577
2004(12) 33695.60 15147 1399 2410 10332 3088 0 79 32376
2005( 2) 16104.85 7625 877 784 1928 5700 75 50 17364
2006( 1) 8501.50 3855 320 690 1500 2000 0 10 8365
2007(12) 46448.75 16893 1881 1100 10849 12648 2565 102 58761
2008(12) 21914.00 8598 848 422 10472 3600 537 0 27162
2009(12) 30501.70 10893 1323 448 18482 7682 356 0 40964
2010(11) 41169.20 16594 1926 536 20616 5882 18 0 45662
2011(11) 48396.60 20600 1661 556 19196 3636 38 42 45877
2012( 3) 7610.35 3179 267 217 3445 156 0 0 7264
2013(12) 48549.20 19465 2685 3560 15662 9262 125 145 51384
2014(12) 112625.10 48487 5334 6914 25098 5856 0 38 91689
2015(12) 51288.75 19851 4356 7674 10185 4525 124 65 47335
2016(12) 39219.60 11847 5832 8056 17722 10376 79 51 54307
2017(12) 30960.75 10686 3672 4459 10639 8400 75 59 38306
2018(12) 155692.15 66303 5757 5839 52215 4834 349 80 137042
2019(12) 96140.65 37105 4481 6101 55455 3104 90 137 106786
Total 1072174.50 413966 76196 125529 424343 395445 4513 1217 1462557
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World Sankirtan Newsletter
Yearly History for Chennai (India)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points (Weeks)
1981( 2) 0 0 880 4318 0 4359 0 1391 0 0 0 0 4738.00 ( 5)
1984(12) 0 0 56 730 0 80 0 0 45 0 0 0 188.10 (52)
1985(12) 0 0 150525 22852 0 12270 0 736 4250 1613 4925 0 38855.80 (52)
1986( 6) 0 0 19585 4125 0 861 0 414 1222 143 1685 0 7820.60 (26)
1989(12) 0 0 444 4546 0 2015 5 41 569 13 1774 0 5585.80
1990(11) 0 0 12901 5620 6 4858 0 279 275 195 4007 0 12459.90
1991(12) 0 0 21490 5832 0 5867 0 1013 490 281 5824 0 18002.75
1992(12) 0 0 11415 6322 0 5139 17 1134 1034 0 6925 0 19352.20
1993(12) 0 0 14789 7751 0 7772 0 3508 758 0 12671 0 33215.75
1994(12) 12 20 8670 10647 0 8661 0 6863 0 0 13402 0 35840.90
1995(12) 0 0 31525 12930 0 11771 0 2065 0 2380 8564 28 29752.35
1996(12) 0 50 10500 19430 0 4526 0 2900 443 6180 8545 209 30836.60
1997(12) 0 0 11260 22089 0 5206 0 2600 0 818 9930 90 28239.45
1998( 8) 0 0 2300 11863 0 2077 0 1458 0 169 5427 32 14488.40
2001( 1) 0 0 8356 1486 0 279 0 0 89 0 1367 0 3979.15
2004(12) 0 0 3088 10332 0 2410 0 1399 0 0 15147 79 33695.60
2005( 2) 50 25 5700 1143 785 739 45 492 385 1515 6110 50 16104.85
2006( 1) 0 0 2000 1500 0 690 0 120 200 135 3720 10 8501.50
2007(12) 803 1762 12648 10849 0 971 129 1152 729 391 16502 102 46448.75
2008(12) 445 92 3600 10472 0 422 0 759 89 284 8314 0 21914.00
2009(12) 356 0 7682 15037 3445 356 92 1027 296 84 10809 0 30501.70
2010(11) 0 18 5882 16356 4260 316 220 1368 558 0 16594 0 41169.20
2011(11) 0 38 3636 18221 975 550 6 1640 21 0 20600 42 48396.60
2012( 3) 0 0 156 3445 0 217 0 267 0 0 3179 0 7610.35
2013(12) 0 125 9262 15662 0 3560 0 2685 0 0 19465 145 48549.20
2014(12) 0 0 5856 25098 0 6914 0 5334 0 0 48487 38 112625.10
2015(12) 34 90 4525 10185 0 7674 0 328 4028 0 19851 65 51288.75
2016(12) 0 79 10376 17722 0 8056 0 0 5832 0 11847 51 39219.60
2017(12) 0 75 8400 10639 0 4459 0 0 3672 0 10686 59 30960.75
2018(12) 0 349 4834 52215 0 5839 0 0 5757 0 66303 80 155692.15
2019(12) 0 90 3104 55455 0 6101 0 0 4481 0 37105 137 96140.65
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