Kathmandu (Nepal)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
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Yearly History for Kathmandu (Nepal)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books (Weeks)
1979( 6) 4740.55 0 1243 1401 10021 2918 0 0 15583 (23)
1981( 1) 1694.75 0 759 121 2901 1500 0 0 5281 ( 3)
1983(12) 1751.25 221 344 554 5303 1794 0 0 8216 (52)
1984(12) 4369.25 1012 943 1811 5354 3163 0 0 12283 (52)
1985(12) 4890.15 1015 1216 3053 6288 3014 0 0 14586 (52)
1986( 6) 1188.55 234 85 1415 1698 311 0 0 3743 (26)
1990( 3) 1625.90 470 190 150 1556 2450 0 0 4816
1991(11) 5230.10 1643 227 2854 4728 10725 0 0 20177
1992( 7) 5145.30 160 483 3728 3227 11655 0 0 19253
1993(12) 20455.00 5128 5836 8116 6643 7096 213 0 34097
1994(10) 17043.75 4174 4236 3996 3780 3599 1094 0 26349
1995(12) 6391.20 1589 1684 2632 4809 1076 96 15 12366
1996( 7) 4360.75 1231 1225 1286 1466 1577 120 54 7505
1998( 1) 897.80 404 30 174 104 0 0 3 712
2006( 6) 4035.20 1597 134 431 3829 0 0 0 5991
2007( 6) 1469.55 578 38 204 1361 0 0 0 2181
2008( 3) 4643.45 1727 224 382 4155 0 0 2 6488
2009( 8) 25104.00 9803 1365 1198 14136 0 0 0 26502
2010( 9) 34869.25 15202 903 2791 8667 0 0 0 27563
2011( 7) 33585.00 14583 968 2975 7854 0 0 0 26380
2012( 3) 12047.00 5239 363 1022 2780 0 0 0 9404
2014(12) 67974.50 19558 17380 10845 24224 0 0 0 72007
2015(12) 82163.00 23271 23102 10350 29376 0 0 0 86099
2016(11) 49078.75 18505 7509 3012 12215 0 0 0 41241
Total 394754.00 127344 70487 64501 166475 50878 1523 74 488823
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Yearly History for Kathmandu (Nepal)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points (Weeks)
1979( 6) 0 0 2918 10021 0 1401 0 1243 0 0 0 0 4740.55 (23)
1981( 1) 0 0 1500 2901 0 121 0 759 0 0 0 0 1694.75 ( 3)
1983(12) 0 0 1794 5303 0 554 0 53 291 177 44 0 1751.25 (52)
1984(12) 0 0 3163 5354 0 1811 0 24 919 339 673 0 4369.25 (52)
1985(12) 0 0 3014 6288 0 3053 0 152 1064 593 422 0 4890.15 (52)
1986( 6) 0 0 311 1698 0 1415 0 1 84 145 89 0 1188.55 (26)
1990( 3) 0 0 2450 1556 0 150 0 70 120 0 470 0 1625.90
1991(11) 0 0 10725 4728 0 2854 0 187 40 970 673 0 5230.10
1992( 7) 0 0 11655 1170 2057 1658 2070 0 483 160 0 0 5145.30
1993(12) 213 0 7096 5006 1637 5535 2581 2028 3808 1840 3288 0 20455.00
1994(10) 300 794 3599 1775 2005 1861 2135 2291 1945 1761 2413 0 17043.75
1995(12) 0 96 1076 4378 431 1984 648 582 1102 580 1009 15 6391.20
1996( 7) 0 120 1577 1013 453 731 555 625 600 522 709 54 4360.75
1998( 1) 0 0 0 104 0 172 2 15 15 10 394 3 897.80
2006( 6) 0 0 0 3829 0 431 0 36 98 0 1597 0 4035.20
2007( 6) 0 0 0 1361 0 204 0 0 38 0 578 0 1469.55
2008( 3) 0 0 0 3517 638 344 38 60 164 0 1727 2 4643.45
2009( 8) 0 0 0 7212 6924 0 1198 0 1365 0 9803 0 25104.00
2010( 9) 0 0 0 0 8667 0 2791 0 903 0 15202 0 34869.25
2011( 7) 0 0 0 0 7854 0 2975 0 968 0 14583 0 33585.00
2012( 3) 0 0 0 0 2780 0 1022 0 363 0 5239 0 12047.00
2014(12) 0 0 0 24224 0 10845 0 0 17380 0 19558 0 67974.50
2015(12) 0 0 0 29376 0 10350 0 0 23102 0 23271 0 82163.00
2016(11) 0 0 0 12215 0 3012 0 0 7509 0 18505 0 49078.75
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