Bhubaneswar (India)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
Big and Mahabig books, Medium books, Small books and Mags

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Yearly History for Bhubaneswar (India)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books
1989( 1) 1162.05 281 367 127 564 532 0 0 1871
1990(11) 21958.35 5382 7401 2333 6468 10734 0 0 32318
1991(11) 21692.75 5487 7729 1738 4083 10738 0 0 29775
1992(12) 27760.60 6469 7645 3495 4733 8864 592 0 34758
1993(12) 26402.55 5523 8286 4119 7451 8918 325 0 36247
1994(12) 34206.15 9280 9085 3971 11608 6702 295 0 42416
1995(12) 35067.20 9777 11036 2708 8065 5472 217 86 38360
1996(12) 28641.75 7742 8203 1987 9832 8079 472 97 38675
1997(12) 35044.20 10603 7236 2533 11809 16067 524 184 51392
1998(12) 40499.25 13052 4847 4970 13049 16910 1168 193 59836
1999(12) 43033.75 10755 12223 5028 11521 11174 1234 2406 58105
2000( 7) 34485.35 8977 12206 1757 9220 8421 313 2670 42459
2001( 5) 47732.25 13606 11331 7947 6902 5662 651 1638 49354
2002( 1) 10115.80 2854 2246 1716 1464 1277 211 172 10823
2003( 1) 8235.90 3341 2978 1485 1655 2839 346 0 14374
2004(12) 24441.85 9393 10190 2834 6923 4206 109 0 34200
2005( 8) 65130.40 19948 24119 7518 9274 9743 1520 0 79722
2015( 1) 2032.00 385 1002 105 750 200 0 0 2442
Total 507642.15 142855 148130 56371 125371 136538 7977 7446 657127
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Yearly History for Bhubaneswar (India)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points
1989( 1) 0 0 532 564 0 0 127 0 367 0 281 0 1162.05
1990(11) 0 0 10734 6468 0 0 2333 0 7401 0 5382 0 21958.35
1991(11) 0 0 10738 4083 0 0 1738 0 7729 0 5487 0 21692.75
1992(12) 592 0 8864 4733 0 0 3495 0 7645 0 6469 0 27760.60
1993(12) 325 0 8918 6460 991 0 4119 0 8286 0 5523 0 26402.55
1994(12) 145 150 6702 10296 1312 438 3533 305 8780 60 9220 0 34206.15
1995(12) 0 217 5472 6764 1301 359 2349 252 10784 39 9738 86 35067.20
1996(12) 0 472 8079 9290 542 291 1696 133 8070 5 7737 97 28641.75
1997(12) 1 523 16067 11195 614 315 2218 144 7092 5 10598 184 35044.20
1998(12) 0 1168 16910 13049 0 1869 3101 0 4847 0 13052 193 40499.25
1999(12) 0 1234 11174 11521 0 1002 4026 0 12223 0 10755 2406 43033.75
2000( 7) 0 313 8421 9220 0 0 1757 0 12206 0 8977 2670 34485.35
2001( 5) 0 651 5662 6902 0 0 7947 0 11331 0 13606 1638 47732.25
2002( 1) 0 211 1277 1464 0 0 1716 0 2246 0 2854 172 10115.80
2003( 1) 0 346 2839 1655 0 1485 0 2978 0 1852 1489 0 8235.90
2004(12) 48 61 4206 5893 1030 2298 536 5001 5189 5452 3941 0 24441.85
2005( 8) 930 590 9743 5822 3452 4413 3105 7593 16526 8660 11288 0 65130.40
2015( 1) 0 0 200 750 0 105 0 1002 0 385 0 0 2032.00
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