New Vrindaban (USA)
Yearly History
Total Literatures Distributed and Book Points
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Yearly History for New Vrindaban (USA)
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total
(Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books (Weeks)
1979( 6) 14061.80 0 6644 0 4886 58663 66 0 70589 (24)
1982( 3) 14265.00 1345 1660 100 1100 110600 0 0 114805 (12)
1984(12) 220.00 0 0 0 0 2200 0 0 2200 ( 0)
1985(12) 14818.85 1508 4824 866 3435 73600 0 0 84233 (52)
1986( 6) 1025.10 124 480 0 1954 40 0 0 2598 (26)
1994( 3) 998.50 123 536 421 691 0 0 0 1771
1997(12) 18637.40 1282 9644 12738 3838 219 1 3 27727
1998(12) 16018.90 807 10243 8366 1114 44 3 5 20592
1999(12) 15642.40 1784 6899 11073 1205 566 2 5 21539
2000(12) 16689.10 1220 7179 15164 274 570 0 1 24407
2001(12) 19778.90 704 12102 16128 288 0 0 6 29222
2002(12) 53573.55 24652 13089 29435 4188 3 0 1 71367
2003(11) 44084.30 28913 3567 17939 781 13 0 0 51213
2004(11) 33974.25 12613 9816 21527 744 175 0 36 44875
2005(12) 21156.50 3078 5285 25560 1510 3650 0 27 39083
2006(11) 14955.05 7961 1762 3387 2652 874 0 3 16636
2007(12) 11414.05 4771 3105 1703 3574 879 0 0 14032
2008(11) 11239.25 3712 4564 2268 157 569 0 0 11270
2009(12) 15097.75 5618 2318 2071 1887 365 0 0 12259
2010(12) 13323.55 4919 1855 2970 505 193 0 0 10442
2011( 8) 10735.50 4506 953 1459 164 0 0 0 7082
2012(12) 7123.50 2704 625 1682 998 0 0 0 6009
2013( 1) 2289.00 703 269 904 648 0 0 4 2524
2014( 1) 267.50 52 35 92 330 0 0 0 509
2017( 2) 388.10 160 7 0 168 191 0 0 526
Total 371777.80 113259 107461 175853 37091 253414 72 91 687510
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Yearly History for New Vrindaban (USA)
By Book Category
(Last updated on 07/10/2021)
1-yr BTG Subs
Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book
(Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points (Weeks)
1979( 6) 66 0 58663 4886 0 0 0 6644 0 0 0 0 14061.80 (24)
1982( 3) 0 0 110600 1100 0 100 0 0 1660 1345 0 0 14265.00 (12)
1984(12) 0 0 2200 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 220.00 ( 0)
1985(12) 0 0 73600 3435 0 866 0 581 4243 909 599 0 14818.85 (52)
1986( 6) 0 0 40 1954 0 0 0 0 480 0 124 0 1025.10 (26)
1994( 3) 0 0 0 691 0 26 395 337 199 24 99 0 998.50
1997(12) 1 0 219 3838 0 7413 5325 93 9551 715 567 3 18637.40
1998(12) 3 0 44 1114 0 5194 3172 53 10190 195 612 5 16018.90
1999(12) 2 0 566 1205 0 7473 3600 57 6842 359 1425 5 15642.40
2000(12) 0 0 570 274 0 10930 4234 20 7159 19 1201 1 16689.10
2001(12) 0 0 0 288 0 14167 1961 77 12025 165 539 6 19778.90
2002(12) 0 0 3 4188 0 26873 2562 232 12857 20659 3993 1 53573.55
2003(11) 0 0 13 781 0 17291 648 118 3449 23906 5007 0 44084.30
2004(11) 0 0 175 744 0 12679 8848 177 9639 12182 431 36 33974.25
2005(12) 0 0 3650 1510 0 24640 920 82 5203 149 2929 27 21156.50
2006(11) 0 0 874 2652 0 3346 41 0 1762 4416 3545 3 14955.05
2007(12) 0 0 879 3574 0 1703 0 0 3105 2453 2318 0 11414.05
2008(11) 0 0 569 157 0 2268 0 0 4564 1623 2089 0 11239.25
2009(12) 0 0 365 1887 0 2071 0 0 2318 512 5106 0 15097.75
2010(12) 0 0 193 505 0 2970 0 0 1855 0 4919 0 13323.55
2011( 8) 0 0 0 164 0 1459 0 0 953 0 4506 0 10735.50
2012(12) 0 0 0 998 0 1682 0 0 625 182 2522 0 7123.50
2013( 1) 0 0 0 648 0 904 0 0 269 703 0 4 2289.00
2014( 1) 0 0 0 330 0 92 0 0 35 52 0 0 267.50
2017( 2) 0 0 191 168 0 0 0 0 7 0 160 0 388.10
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