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Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results World Sankirtan Newsletter Yearly History for Mayapur (India) (Last updated on 08/21/2021) Year Book M-Big Big Medium Small BTG Full Total (Months) Points Books Books Books Books Mags Subs Sets Books (Weeks) _________________________________________________________________________________________ 1979( 7) 69714.80 0 9300 14373 174398 91288 200 0 290559 (30) 1982( 2) 2890.40 535 271 390 2456 10995 0 0 14647 ( 5) 1983(12) 34164.50 7044 7138 2867 31307 72390 0 0 120746 (52) 1984(12) 22538.95 5991 6706 4518 8749 9573 0 0 35537 (52) 1985(12) 99577.05 36694 14053 18166 18153 30550 0 0 117616 (52) 1989( 3) 8580.40 2120 1672 1026 6326 5421 0 0 16565 1990( 6) 45455.15 10736 6677 9764 33681 19688 0 0 80546 1991(12) 67891.30 17971 15741 9941 25690 52734 0 0 122077 1992(12) 321165.50 50483 17623 17548 84580 84398 34156 0 459568 1993(12) 367320.35 70804 44902 41858 154692 225176 23515 0 678522 1994(12) 349212.40 77574 45363 56835 120557 703894 9627 0 1061985 1995(12) 351696.95 93766 62739 64768 113961 450563 3746 327 808273 1996(12) 751211.35 217279 144918 117047 241370 612632 8490 7584 1384186 1997(12) 279392.30 74660 68199 51791 66538 201632 2302 3483 476632 1998(12) 283056.00 80687 67031 66389 87521 56246 1410 2452 366334 1999(12) 232389.85 90432 23769 37694 59147 32107 516 3110 246245 2000(12) 215266.15 76738 16766 40777 70703 31555 4580 2346 264019 2001(12) 223677.50 77224 21107 53594 120514 23435 45 2793 296144 2002(10) 191060.15 66447 19210 44741 65774 43550 205 1393 240952 2003(12) 238256.35 76751 24316 70829 96016 80000 350 2598 350012 2004(12) 386148.40 138826 29176 97609 109679 115500 450 2554 493490 2005(12) 255164.45 87478 21934 62890 67285 127500 850 2162 372187 2006(12) 312756.95 106016 22743 60891 108894 175500 4501 1329 501050 2007(12) 382223.75 132545 19750 61816 67257 512000 1500 1781 802368 2008(12) 363188.00 131742 13573 46182 107814 460000 0 1943 759311 2009(12) 455781.00 165567 16254 65821 81130 552000 0 3105 880772 2010(12) 559223.00 216794 18983 69838 84532 506000 0 4207 896147 2011(11) 693738.50 272103 22389 92693 223828 248400 0 5441 859413 2012(12) 776945.00 295801 32798 77431 328710 316520 0 3611 1051260 2013(11) 652368.45 253606 41382 68377 239749 96487 0 3591 699601 2014(11) 1410295.10 557660 148215 122943 287942 1481 5262 15122 1149813 2015(12) 1576532.50 673203 92862 117443 306672 0 750 12743 1194680 2016(11) 684775.00 274082 49878 52981 240970 0 0 5415 617911 2017(12) 1102072.75 396902 56130 117697 614321 69600 13100 7316 1333250 2018(12) 1157681.25 476162 50727 90571 417379 0 2000 7475 1046839 2019(12) 1178506.50 489989 56785 51246 220210 100680 20400 7957 1041310 2020( 8) 666095.95 300072 14401 23970 87613 126627 2000 8008 564683 2021( 6) 524972.25 233888 8383 36926 67961 133600 0 2893 480758 _________________________________________________________________________________ Total 17292986.20 6336372 1333864 2042241 5244079 6379722 139955 12273922176008
Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results World Sankirtan Newsletter Yearly History for Mayapur (India) By Book Category (Last updated on 08/21/2021) 1-yr BTG Subs Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Book (Months) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Points (Weeks) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1979( 7) 0 200 91288 174398 0 14373 0 9300 0 0 0 0 69714.80 (30) 1982( 2) 0 0 10995 2456 0 390 0 0 271 55 480 0 2890.40 ( 5) 1983(12) 0 0 72390 31307 0 2867 0 0 7138 0 7044 0 34164.50 (52) 1984(12) 0 0 9573 8749 0 4518 0 0 6706 0 5991 0 22538.95 (52) 1985(12) 0 0 30550 18153 0 18166 0 0 14053 0 36694 0 99577.05 (52) 1989( 3) 0 0 5421 4444 1882 362 664 56 1616 78 2042 0 8580.40 1990( 6) 0 0 19688 18147 15534 4123 5641 665 6012 493 10243 0 45455.15 1991(12) 0 0 52734 9797 15893 2426 7515 4925 10816 2504 15467 0 67891.30 1992(12) 34156 0 84398 77010 7570 7572 9976 1578 16045 1323 49160 0 321165.50 1993(12) 23515 0 225176 143863 10829 27573 14285 8467 36435 2407 68397 0 367320.35 1994(12) 4666 4961 703894 110643 9914 41768 15067 7604 37759 1091 76483 0 349212.40 1995(12) 0 3746 450563 109495 4466 40039 24729 5194 57545 1616 92150 327 351696.95 1996(12) 0 8490 612632 216792 24578 54486 62561 28255 116663 7424 209855 7584 751211.35 1997(12) 0 2302 201632 46203 20335 23764 28027 16683 51516 2139 72521 3483 279392.30 1998(12) 0 1410 56246 50811 36710 35800 30589 29026 38005 1434 79253 2452 283056.00 1999(12) 0 516 32107 51625 7522 20639 17055 5301 18468 5613 84819 3110 232389.85 2000(12) 0 4580 31555 70024 679 25838 14939 788 15978 278 76460 2346 215266.15 2001(12) 0 45 23435 119654 860 31394 22200 323 20784 188 77036 2793 223677.50 2002(10) 0 205 43550 65774 0 23333 21408 0 19210 0 66447 1393 191060.15 2003(12) 0 350 80000 96016 0 36977 33852 2340 21976 0 76751 2598 238256.35 2004(12) 0 450 115500 109679 0 55733 41876 1440 27736 0 138826 2554 386148.40 2005(12) 0 850 127500 67285 0 33637 29253 812 21122 0 87478 2162 255164.45 2006(12) 1 4500 175500 108894 0 31391 29500 538 22205 0 106016 1329 312756.95 2007(12) 0 1500 512000 67257 0 34782 27034 208 19542 0 132545 1781 382223.75 2008(12) 0 0 460000 107814 0 26694 19488 0 13573 0 131742 1943 363188.00 2009(12) 0 0 552000 81130 0 48286 17535 0 16254 0 165567 3105 455781.00 2010(12) 0 0 506000 84532 0 48571 21267 0 18983 0 216794 4207 559223.00 2011(11) 0 0 248400 223828 0 88714 3979 0 22389 0 272103 5441 693738.50 2012(12) 0 0 316520 328710 0 77431 0 0 32798 0 295801 3611 776945.00 2013(11) 0 0 96487 239749 0 68377 0 0 41382 0 253606 3591 652368.45 2014(11) 0 5262 1481 287942 0 122943 0 0 148215 0 557660 15122 1410295.10 2015(12) 0 750 0 306672 0 117443 0 0 92862 0 673203 12743 1576532.50 2016(11) 0 0 0 240970 0 52981 0 0 49878 0 274082 5415 684775.00 2017(12) 0 13100 69600 614321 0 117697 0 0 56130 0 396902 7316 1102072.75 2018(12) 0 2000 0 417379 0 90571 0 0 50727 0 476162 7475 1157681.25 2019(12) 0 20400 100680 220210 0 51246 0 0 56785 0 489989 7957 1178506.50 2020( 8) 0 2000 126627 87613 0 23970 0 0 14401 0 300072 8008 666095.95 2021( 6) 0 0 133600 67961 0 36926 0 0 8383 0 233888 2893 524972.25
Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results
Yearly Graph | Monthly Graph | Home | FAQ | Name Index | World Records | Current Worldwide Results World Sankirtan Newsletter Monthly History for Mayapur (India) By Book Category (Last updated on 08/21/2021) 1-yr BTG Subs Year English Other Mags ---Small-- --Medium-- -Big Books- -Maha-big-- Full Total Book Month(s) Sub-E Sub-O M1 S1----H1 S2----H2 S3-----H3 S4-----H4 Sets Books Points _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2020 Jan 0 2000 5000 16850 0 5890 0 0 5058 0 27787 618 72585 90101.50 2020 May 0 0 0 2000 0 0 0 0 200 0 8030 224 10230 24464.00 2020 Jul 0 0 0 11367 0 3388 0 0 984 0 19219 201 34958 50041.75 2020 Aug 0 0 0 4695 0 100 0 0 2300 0 35233 1221 42328 112455.75 2020 Sep 0 0 43179 15381 0 3506 0 0 912 0 68712 2506 131690 235246.15 2020 Oct 0 0 0 1233 0 1242 0 0 79 0 9569 204 12123 26752.25 2020 Nov 0 0 0 3756 0 1162 0 0 1825 0 32512 903 39255 95333.00 2020 Dec 0 0 78448 32331 0 8682 0 0 3043 0 99010 2131 221514 282927.55 2021 Jan 0 0 0 7820 0 1556 0 0 5645 0 25025 291 40046 66816.00 2021 Feb 0 0 0 29840 0 19536 0 0 349 0 56919 570 106644 149919.00 2021 Mar 0 0 0 14025 0 8961 0 0 639 0 14797 226 38422 44663.75 2021 Apr 0 0 89600 12930 0 5540 0 0 1099 0 82015 1053 191184 212221.50 2021 May 0 0 22000 1273 0 374 0 0 321 0 32409 383 56377 80894.25 2021 Jun 0 0 22000 2073 0 959 0 0 330 0 22723 370 48085 60817.75Back to top | Home | FAQ | Book categories and point system | How to send in scores | Print this pageComments? Corrections? Contact us Mayapur Sasi dasa, Editor Copyright © BBTI The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International, Inc. Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare